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作者姓名:孟祥伟  额尔登其木格  红海  李蓓  芒来
作者单位:孟祥伟,李蓓,芒来,MENG Xiang-wei,LI Bei,Dugarjaviin Manglai(内蒙古农业大学动物科学与医学学院,内蒙古呼和浩特,010018);额尔登其木格,Erdengqimuge(锡林郭勒职业技术学院草原生态与畜牧兽医系,内蒙古锡林郭勒,026000);红海,HONG Hai(日本宇都宫大学生命科学学院,日本宇都宫,306-0023) 
摘    要:[Objective] To explore the polymorphism of the 3′ flank region of equine IGF-Ⅰ gene. [Method] The 3′ flank region sequences of IGF-Ⅰ gene were amplified from genomic DNA of 270 horses, which included 4 types of Mongolian horse, Sanhe horse and Thoroughbred, and then analyzed by PCR-SSCP. [Result] Three genotypes (AA, BB and AB) were detected by PCR-SSCP and the distribution of genotypes of all research objects except Xinihe horse and Baerhu horse were in line with the "Hardy-Weinberg Law". [Conclusion] There was a polymorphic locus in the 3′ flank region of IGF-Ⅰ gene, which might affect the equine growth and development mechanism. The study is of important theoretical and practical significance to improve the performance and to develop equine industry.

关 键 词:IGF-Ⅰ  3′  Flank  region  PCR-SSCP
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