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引用本文:宋坚 肖登兵 张伟杰 常亚青 宫海宁. 长蛸体尺与重量性状间相关关系的研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2012, 28(23): 118-122. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2012-1314
作者姓名:宋坚 肖登兵 张伟杰 常亚青 宫海宁
摘    要:
为了解长蛸体尺和重量性状之间的相关关系。挑选同批采捕的体重在200 g左右的长蛸95只,测量胴长、胴宽、头长、头宽、漏斗长、漏斗宽、第一、二、三、四腕的长、腕间膜、体积等12个体尺性状,以及体重、净肉重2个重量性状,采用相关分析,计算了各性状间的相关系数。结果表明:胴性状、头性状、漏斗性状间都存在极显著相关(P<0.01),各腕性状间也存在极显著相关(P<0.01),相关系数最大值出现在体重和净肉重之间(0.983),其次为体积与体重之间(0.979)。利用曲线回归建立了体重预测净肉重的最优模型:Wr=0.981Wt0.9843 (R2=0.9706)。

关 键 词:凝血活性  凝血活性  

The Study of Correlativity Between Octopus variabilis’ Body Measurement and Weight Traits
Song jian , Xiao Dengbing , Zhang Weijie , Chang Yaqing , Gong Haining. The Study of Correlativity Between Octopus variabilis’ Body Measurement and Weight Traits[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(23): 118-122. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2012-1314
Authors:Song jian    Xiao Dengbing    Zhang Weijie    Chang Yaqing    Gong Haining
Affiliation:(Key Laboratory of Mariculture & Stock Enhancement in North China's Sea/ Ministry of Agriculture, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian Liaoning 116023)
To understand the correlativity between Octopus variabilis body measurement and weight traits. Selecting Octopus variabilis 95 weighing about 200 g, which were captured in same batch, 12 body measurement including the length and wide of carcass, head and hopper, the length of the first, second, third and fourth tentacles, interbranchial membrane, volume and 2 weight traits comprise the weight of body and meat were measured. Analysis correlativity between each character adopted the correlation analysis. The results indicated that there was a extreme significant among the traits of carcass, head and hopper, and there a extreme significant in the 4 tentacles (P〈0.01). Maximum Correlation coefficient present between body weight and meat weight (0.983), the next between volume and body weight (0.979). Established the optimization model of the body weight forecast the meatweight using the curvilinear regression: Wr=0.981Wt0.9843(R2=0.9706).
Keywords:Octopus variabilis  traits  correlation analysis  curvilinear regression
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