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Irrigated land retirement
Authors:W. Wallender  J. Rhoades  M. Weinberg  S. Lee  C. Uptain  D. Purkey
Affiliation:(1) Departments of Land, Air, and Water Resources (Hydrology Program) and Biological and Agricultural Engineering, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, 95616-8628, USA;(2) United States Department of Agriculture Edmond G. Brown Soil Salinity Laboratory, USA;(3) United Stated Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, USA;(4) United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, USA;(5) California State University Stanislaus Foundation's Endangered Species Recovery Program, USA;(6) Natural Heritage Institute, USA
Abstract:Land retirement is ceasing irrigation withthe goal of reducing load, in general, ofdissolved constituents and, in particular,of trace elements, present in subsurfacedrainage generated from irrigated lands. Retirement is achieved through a process ofgoal setting, strategy development anddetermining effects, developing landselection criteria, implementation, andmonitoring. In this study, effects of landretirement are evaluated using hydrologic,soil and economic models as well as resultsfrom a field demonstration study. From themodeling and field monitoring, a process isdeveloped to meet the goals of a landretirement program in the San JoaquinValley of California.Potential negative effects listed for landretirement included loss of agriculturalproductivity, perhaps permanently, and lossof revenue to surrounding communities. Uncertainties included those associatedwith reuse of retired lands as wildlifehabitat, with retired-land maintenanceincluding dust control, with potentialpreservation of retired lands in reservefor future re-introduction to irrigated ordry-land agriculture, and withinstitutional changes concerning repaymentof federal and state water contracts. Benefits would accrue from economic returnto the landowner from the sale of property,the sale or lease of irrigation watersupply, the reduced cost of handlingdrainage, and allocation of freed-up waterto beneficial uses, and the reduced risk ofselenium exposure to fish and wildlife.A recommended sequential approach to selectand manage retired land is to identifyprimary objectives; formulate and implementarea-specific land retirement scenarios;measure biologic, hydrologic, soils andeconomic consequences in the short term andthe long term and manage and monitorretired lands based on dynamic biologic,hydrologic and soil conditions.
Keywords:drainage  economics  groundwater  irrigation  salinity
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