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春小麦植株干物质积累、分配和调节的研究——第1报 干物质积累、分配及其与产量的关系
引用本文:李文雄,曾寒冰. 春小麦植株干物质积累、分配和调节的研究——第1报 干物质积累、分配及其与产量的关系[J]. 北京农学院学报, 1988, 0(2)
作者姓名:李文雄  曾寒冰
摘    要:春小麦植株干物质的积累动态,在不同年份、品种和栽培条件下趋势相同。积累强度以拔节至灌浆盛期为最大。这一过程出现早晚与品种主茎总叶数密切相关。干物质积累动态,全株、主茎、穗、茎秆和分蘖,均呈S型曲线,可用(?)=K/(1+ae~(bx))或(?)=K/(1+e~((?)-bx))表达。叶片、叶鞘和全叶干物质积累动态呈抛物线,符合(?)=a+bx+cx~2方程。叶干物质积累与叶面积系数和单株(或主茎)叶面积显著相关。统计分析表明,Y_B、Y_V、Y_G和HI之间存在相关,但关系复杂。

关 键 词:干物质  积累强度  输出率  再分配率

STUDIES ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION,PARTITIONING AND REGULATION IN SPRING WHEAT——I.Dry Matter Accumulation,Partitioning and Their Relationships with Yield
Li Wenxiong Zen Hanbing. STUDIES ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION,PARTITIONING AND REGULATION IN SPRING WHEAT——I.Dry Matter Accumulation,Partitioning and Their Relationships with Yield[J]. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 1988, 0(2)
Authors:Li Wenxiong Zen Hanbing
Affiliation:The Northeast Agricultural College
Abstract:A series studies dealing with dry matter accumulation, partitioning in plants and regulating with PGR in spring wheat were carried out during1981 to 1987. The results showed that tha dynamic of DM accumulation inplants as a whole or separated parts, i.e., spikes, culms and leaves aswell as tillers,could be treated with the sigmoid curve equation (?)=K/(1+ae~(-bx))or (?)=K/(1+e~((?)-bx)) despite of years, genotypes,and cultural prac-tices.The DM acoumulation of leaves could be expressed with the parabolaequation (?)=a+bx+cx~2.In the present study,closed relationship betweenDM accumulation in leaves and LAI(or leaf area per plant,or main culm)was found.The slope of the sigmoid curve was the same duration of thedominant accumulation intensity of dry matter in plants or main culm. Itappeared during 50 to 90 days or 40 to 80 days after emergence dependingon the total leaf numbers on main culm. The more the total leaf numbers,the latter the duration of the dominant accumulation intensity.After anthesis,the DM of non-economic parts decreased along withthe increase of spike or grain dry weight,and there were significant nega-tive correlations between DM of spikes, grains, and non-economic parts. Itindicated that the non-economic parts took part in the redistribution ofDM postanthesis. How much the DM exported from the non-economicparts depended not only on the genotypes but what kind of environmentsand cultural practices.In general, leaves, especially the flag leaves, had thehighest exported rate (calculated with the equation: exporting rate (%)=(the lost weight of dry matter from anthesis to mature/the dry weight atanthesis) x 100).Culms,especially the pectuncles, ranked second. However,the highest exporting rate was not equal to the actual highest redistri-bution value because there might be lower absolute lost values sometimes.Despite of the difference between the exporting rate and redistributing ra-te (%)(the portion of the lost weight of DM from anthesis to mature ofcertain non-economic part to the total lost dry weight of all non-econo-mic parts).The autoregulation of DM accumulation and partitioning as we-ll as redistribution in plants offers the possibility of artificial regula-tion by means of cultural practices including PGR in wheat production.Linear regression and nath coefficient analyses indicated that therewere complex relationshins between Ybio,Ynon,Yeco,and HI.In the presentstudy, significant correlation coefficients were found between Ybio andYeco,and Ybio and Ynon.As to Ynon and Yeco,the relationshin dependedon, the DM partitioning proportion. Therefore, to regulate the DM parti-tioning between Ynon and Yeco based on increasing Ybio is the key inexploiting yield potential in high-yielding culture,also in cultivar improve-ment, in spring wheat under the condition of Heilongjiang Province.
Keywords:dry matter(DM)  accumulative intensity  exporting rate  redistributing rate
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