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引用本文:石宝明,单安山,佟建明. 寡聚糖对仔猪肠道菌群及生长性能影响的研究[J]. 东北农业大学学报, 2000, 31(3): 261-269
作者姓名:石宝明  单安山  佟建明
作者单位:东北农业大学动物营养研究所黑龙江哈尔滨 150030 中国农业科学院畜牧所北京 100094
摘    要:试验研究了饲料中添加寡聚糖对哺乳仔猪和断乳仔猪生产性能和肠道菌群的影响。选择了 10窝仔猪 ,随机分为 5组 ,每组两窝。第 1组 (对照组 )日粮为以玉米、豆粕为主的基础日粮 ,第 2 ,3,4 ,5组日粮分别在基础日粮中添加 0 .0 5% ,0 .10 % ,0 .2 0 % ,0 .35%的寡聚糖。试验分为两个阶段 ,7~ 2 8日龄断乳 ,断乳~ 56日龄结束。 2 1日龄取粪样进行大肠杆菌、 p H、水分测定 ,4 2日龄每组屠宰 3头仔猪取盲肠、结肠、直肠进行双歧杆菌、大肠杆菌、 p H、水分测定。结果表明 ,在哺乳阶段 ,寡聚糖能显著 ( P <0 .0 5)降低粪便中的大肠杆菌数量和 p H,但对哺乳仔猪的生产性能和粪便中的水分含量影响不显著 ( P >0 .0 5)。在断乳后 ,0 .10 %的寡聚糖添加量能显著( P <0 .0 5)提高仔猪的日增重、降低料肉比、减少腹泻率的发生 ,0 .35%的寡聚糖添加量对仔猪的生产性能没有影响。 0 .10 %与 0 .2 0 %的寡聚糖添加量能显著 ( P <0 .0 5)抑制直肠中大肠杆菌的增殖 ,促进结肠中双歧杆菌的增殖。寡聚糖对盲肠、结肠、直肠中的 p H的影响差异不显著 ,但能显著 ( P <0 .0 5)降低直肠中的水分含量。

关 键 词:仔猪  寡聚糖  生产性能  肠道微生物

Effect of dietary oligosaccharides on growth performance and intestinal microbial populations of piglets
SHI Bao ming,SHAN An shan,TONG Jian ming. Effect of dietary oligosaccharides on growth performance and intestinal microbial populations of piglets[J]. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2000, 31(3): 261-269
Authors:SHI Bao ming  SHAN An shan  TONG Jian ming
Abstract:An experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary oligosacchrides on growth performance and intestinal microbial populations of piglets.Ten litters of piglets were assigned to five groups randomly,with two litters per group.The control group was fed with corn soybean basal diet.Oligosaccharides was added to the basal diet at the level of 0 05,0 10,0 20 and 0 35% respectively to form four experimental diets.The experiment was conducted with two periods.The first period(suckling period)was from 7 to 28 days of age and the second period(weanling period)was from 28 to 56 days of age.Fresh faecal samples were collected at 21 days of age and assayed for Escherichia coli concentrations, pH and moisture content.Three pigs per group were slaughtered at 42 days of age and cecum,colon,and rectum content samples were collected and assayed immediately for Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium concentrations,pH and moisture content.The results show that dietary oligosacchrides decreased faecal Escherichia coli populations and pH significantly(P<0 05),but did not affect performance and faecal moisture content in nursery phase.0 10% oligosaccharides for weanling pigs increased growth and improved feed conversion ratio together with a reduction of diarrhoea(P<0 05),but 0 35% oligosaccharides did not affect growth performance.0 10% and 0 20% oligosaccharides for weanling pigs had a suppression to Escherichia coli colonization in rectum.and an enrichment to Bifidobacterium in colon(P<0 05).Oligosaccharides decreased significantly (P<0 05) rectum moisture content,but did not affect cecum,colon,and rectum pH.$$$$
Keywords:piglets  oligosaccharides  performance  intestinal microbial populations
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