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作者姓名:李长生  夏 晗  卢金东  李爱芹  赵传志  毕玉平  王兴军
摘    要:研究目的]花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)是世界上重要的油料作物.近年来,花生分子生物学发展迅速,但低效的再生和遗传转化系统严重制约着利用基因工程改良花生品种的研究,该研究旨在利用嫁接的方法提高花生再生和转化苗的成活率,缩短再生周期.研究方法]分别采用劈接、斜接、插接的方法将再生和转化的花生苗嫁接到实生花生砧木上.研究结果]利用嫁接技术将组培苗或转基因苗嫁接到实生苗砧木上,不同嫁接方法成活率达到700%~100%,远远高于转基因幼苗直接诱导生根移栽的成活率.主要结论]实验证明,嫁接可提高花生再生和转化苗的成活率,可广泛应用于花生基因工程育种研究中.

关 键 词:花生  嫁接  组织培养  转基因  成活率

Graft Significantly Improves Survival Rate of Transgenic Peanut Plants
Abstract:Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most important oil crops in the world, belonging to the Leguminosae family and the Papilionacea subfamily, native to South America. Inefficiency of peanut regeneration system retarded its improvement through gene engineering. In this study we investigated the use of grafting to improve the survival rate of tissue cultured and transgenic plants. Plants of 14 days after germination were used as rootstock, and different grafting methods and plant management after grafting were investigated. The survival rate of different grafting methods ranged from 70-100% which is much higher than the survival rate obtained by directly transplanting transgenic plants after root induction.
Keywords:Arachis hypogaeazz  Graftingzz  Tissue culturezz  Gene transformationzz  Survival ratezz
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