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引用本文:李植良,李涛,黎振兴,孙保娟,李颖,徐小万,王恒明. 外源赤霉素浸种对茄子种子萌发和植株生长影响的研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(10): 48-54. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17030172
作者姓名:李植良  李涛  黎振兴  孙保娟  李颖  徐小万  王恒明
基金项目:广东省省级科技计划项目“优质抗逆茄子新品种的选育与应用”(2015B020202004);广州市科技计划项目“应用现代生物技术创新优质耐 热茄子亲本材料”(2014J4100094);广东省科技计划项目“优质白茄新品种选育与应用”(2014A020208041);广东省对外科技合作项目“中国-马来西亚 热带亚热带蔬菜科技示范园建设”(2013B050800012);广东省科技计划项目“广东省蔬菜分子育种研究人才队伍建设”(2016B070701010);广东省农 业科学院十三五学科团队建设项目“茄果类蔬菜资源与育种研究团队”(粤农科[2016]95 号);广东省科技计划项目“梅州市梅县区梅南镇蔬菜基地对 口帮扶建设”(2015B090906012)。
摘    要:为研究赤霉素(GA3)对打破茄子种子休眠及植株生长的影响,以16份自交系和2份品种为试材,采用GA3处理种子,对不同自交系种子的休眠特性的解除和杂交品种的植株生长的影响进行研究。结果表明16份自交系取种后1个月芽率都较低,最高为25.5%,最低为0%,不同材料间存在极显著差异,说明初收茄子种子普遍存在休眠现象,但休眠深浅程度存在差异;经1000 mg/L GA3处理,所有自交系的芽率、芽势都有明显提高,其中6份芽率达到90%以上,说明GA3对解除茄子种子休眠效果极为显著。室温干燥器存储4个月后除06036和06039 2份亲缘来自中国北方的黑紫茄自交系芽率在低于80%,其他14份材料均在90%以上。利用GA3浸种处理‘农夫长茄’和‘庆丰紫红茄’对不同生长时期的植株、果实性状和产量调查发现,较高浓度GA3(2000 mg/L)对‘庆丰紫红茄’1叶1心期株高有极显著增加,低浓度GA3浸种处理对‘庆丰紫红茄’及不同浓度GA3对‘农夫长茄’的株高促进作用不明显;4叶期后,不同浓度的GA3浸种处理对‘农夫长茄’和‘庆丰紫红茄’植株高度、茎周径、叶片大小的影响差异均不显著,对2个品种的开花期、商品果性状(单果重、果长、果粗、畸形果率)及产量等影响均未达显著差异;且同一浓度浸种4 h与6 h对植株生长、商品果性状和产量的作用效果一致。本研究可为茄子商用种解除休眠提供理论依据。

关 键 词:烤烟  烤烟  高低垄宽窄行栽培  土壤化学性状  产质量  

Effect of GA3 on Seed Germination and Plant Growth of Solanum melongena
Abstract:To study the effects of GA3 on breaking seed dormancy and plant growth in eggplant, the germination and the plant growth were investigated with 16 inbred lines and 2 varieties. The result showed that, the seed germination rates were low and had statistical significant differences in all 16 inbred lines one month after extracting from fruit, which the maximum germination rate was 25.5%, and the minimum was 0%. It illustrated that all inbred lines had dormancy, but varied in degree of dormancy. Compared with that treated by water, it was also found that germination rate and potential of all 16 inbred lines increased significantly after treating by 1000 mg/L GA3, and the germination rates of six inbred lines were greater than 90%. It showed that GA3 had significant effect on breaking the seed dormancy of eggplant. When storaged in dryer for 4 months, the germination rates of 14 inbred lines were greater than 90% while only two (06036 and 06039) originated from north of China were less than 80%. In addition, seedling height, agronomic characters in the field and yield of two cultivars of commercial eggplant (‘Nongfu’ and ‘Qingfeng’) were investigated after seed treating with GA3. The results indicated that the seeding height of ‘Qingfeng’ increased significantly treated by 2000 mg/L GA3 in one leaf stage, and there were no significant difference by lower concentration of GA3 on ‘Qingfeng’ and all treatment on ‘Nongfu’. After planting in the field, the plant height, stem diameter, the length and width of leaf, and the fruit weight, fruit length, deformed fruit rates and yields had no significant changes after seed treating with GA3 on two cultivars. It also showed that there was no significant effect on plant growth, fruit traits and yield between 4 h and 6 h of seed treatment with GA3. These results showed that seed treatments with GA3 could contribute to improving germination, but had no effect on plant growth and yield after 4 leaves on eggplant.
Keywords:Eggplant, Seed  Dormancy, Gibberellin, Seed  Germination, Agronomic, Yield
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