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引用本文:谢 玲,黄晓玲. 广西国家级贫困县贫困类型划分与扶贫对策研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(26): 157-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17100056
作者姓名:谢 玲  黄晓玲
基金项目:国家社会科学基金年度项目“基于生态文明视角的西南贫困地区村落演变与空间优化模式研究”(15BJL110);广西师范大学青年基金项目 “广西贫困地区乡村聚落的演变和空间优化问题研究”(201517A4);广西自治区科委项目“基于国家贫困县的广西多维贫困测度与减贫模式研究”(桂 科[2016]Z-16);岩溶生态与环境变化研究广西高校重点实验室研究基金资助“广西石漠化地区土地利用/覆被变化与生态优化调控研究” (YRHJ16Z016)。
摘    要:贫困长期以来备受世界各国政府关注,广西是我国西南地区贫困人口分布较为密集的地区之一,贫困问题呈现多样化特点,为进一步探讨广西贫困乡村类型,推进广西精准扶贫工作。本文以广西区国家级贫困县为研究对象,从人口、经济、资源、社会四个方面选取影响贫困的28个指标,利用SPSS进行主成分分析,得出制约广西贫困的主成分,并在此基础上将影响贫困的主成分作为变量,对广西的贫困县进行聚类分析。结果表明:1)制约广西贫困的主要的因子为:“人口”因子、“经济收入”因子、“交通基础设施”因子,“工业化程度”因子、“农业机械化水平”因子、“通讯”因子、“教育”因子;2)广西贫困县的地域类型可划分为三类:农业生产力-工业化水平较低型贫困县,交通通讯基建落后型贫困县,文化教育落后型贫困县三大类,并针对各类型贫困县提出相应的减贫脱贫对策建议。

关 键 词:贫困县  贫困地域类型  主成分分析  聚类分析  广西

Study on Poverty Types and Countermeasures of State Poverty Countries in Guangxi
Abstract:Poverty has attracted the attention of governments all over the world for a long time. Because of regional differences, poverty often presents diversity characteristics. Therefore, measures and ways to eliminate poverty should be diversified. Guangxi is one of the areas where the poor rural areas are densely distributed in Southwest China, and the types of poverty are complex and varied. In order to further explore the types of poor rural areas in Guangxi, we should promote the work of poverty alleviation in Guangxi. In this paper based on the poverty countries in Guangxi as the research object, selects 28 poverty indicators in Guangxi from four aspects of population, economy, society, resources, factor analysis by SPSS, the main factor restricting Guangxi rural poverty, to influence the Guangxi rural poverty factor variables, rural poverty in Guangxi by cluster analysis. The results show that :1)the restricted Guangxi impoverished village main factor: the "population" factor, "economic income" factor, "traffic infrastructure factor", "industrialization" factor and "level of agricultural mechanization" factor, "communication", "education" factor; 2) poverty-stricken counties can be divided into three categories: agricultural productivity low-level industrialized poverty-stricken counties, poor traffic and communication infrastructure backward poverty - stricken counties, cultural and educational backwardness poverty counties, and for each type of poor counties (districts) put forward the corresponding development countermeasure.
Keywords:impoverished county   types of poverty   factorial analysis   clustering analysis   Guangxi
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