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引用本文:杜祥备,秦军红,刘小平,夏家平,韩杨. 安徽省甘薯生产现状及发展分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(18): 23-28. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17050067
作者姓名:杜祥备  秦军红  刘小平  夏家平  韩杨
基金项目:国际农业研究磋商组织影响评估项目“国际马铃薯中心资源在安徽省甘薯品种选育中的作用—安徽省甘薯品种选育和推广情况调研”;国 家自然科学基金项目“基于淀粉合成代谢解析减氮运筹影响甘薯产量形成的生理机制”(31601266);现代农业产业技术体系建设项目“国家甘薯产业 技术体系合肥综合试验站”(CARS-11-C-05)。
摘    要:[目的][方法]通过对安徽省近几年甘薯生产和消费情况进行调研,分析安徽省甘薯产业现状及存在问题,探求甘薯产业发展潜力和对策,以期为产业发展相关政策的制定提供依据。[结果]调研结果:安徽省甘薯种植分春薯和夏薯2种种植方式,当前种植品种共有40个,其中主栽品种17个。在主栽品种中,淀粉专用型品种占53.0%,鲜食型占35.0%,兼用型占12.0%。所种植品种以外引为主,占73.5%,本省自育品种较少,仅占26.5%。全省甘薯的消费比例以加工为主,鲜食为辅。研究指出了安徽省甘薯生产存在政府重视程度不够,机械化水平落后,品种更新换代慢、专用品种缺乏、种苗繁育体系不健全,病害严重,生产技术水平低下,加工企业规模小、产品附加值低的主要问题。[结论]提出培育专用新品种,加大科技示范推广力度,大力发展机械化生产,加工企业联合研发甘薯深加工产品,提高甘薯附加值等对策。

关 键 词:海南砂  海南砂  沙磨  GA3  贮藏  

Production Situation and Development of Sweet Potato in Anhui
Abstract:Through the investigation of sweet potato production and consumption in recent years in Anhui, the authors analyzed the situation and problems in sweet potato production, and studied its development potential and countermeasures, aiming to provide reference for policy making. The results showed that sweet potato in Anhui Province was planted both in spring and summer, and there were 40 sweet potato varieties in production, including 17 main varieties. Among the 17 main varieties, starch processing varieties, edible type and intermediate type accounted for 53.0% , 35.0% and 12.0% , respectively. Moreover, 73.5% of the planted varieties were introduced from other provinces, and only 26.5% of these varieties were locally bred. Sweet potato in Anhui Province was mainly used for processing, supplemented by fresh food. The main existing problems were insufficient attention from the government, low mechanization level, slow variety upgrading, lack of special varieties, incomplete system for seedling breeding, serious disease, backward processing technologies, small scale of processors and low added value of products. Countermeasures were proposed such as breeding special new varieties, increasing the intensity of demonstration and popularization of science and technology, developing the mechanized production, jointing processing enterprises to develop new byproducts and improving the added value of sweet potato.
Keywords:Anhui province   sweetpotato   variety   existing problem   development countermeasure
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