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引用本文:杨世琦,邢磊,刘宏元,梅旭荣. 基于欧氏距离理论的农业可持续发展评价方法与实证研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(12): 157-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17030069
作者姓名:杨世琦  邢磊  刘宏元  梅旭荣
摘    要:基于欧氏标准化距离理论,构建了农业可持续发展评价理论体系与评价指标框架,包括评价函数、评价等级、评级指标、佳态系统与原点系统等。选取甘肃镇原县、宁夏吴忠市和山东桓台县2000-2012年数据作为实证案例,并在评价指标框架下构建评价指标体系,对3个不同类型的农业系统进行了验证性评价。结果表明:甘肃镇原县ASDI(可持续发展指数)范围[0.70,0.83],呈上升趋势,处于中持续与高持续状态;宁夏吴忠市ASDI范围[0.40,0.77],呈波动较大,6年处于非持续、其余年份主要处于中持续状态;山东桓台县ASDI [0.53,0.71],大部分年份小于0.6,处于不可持续状态。欧氏距离法评价结果与农业系统实际情况接近,分别代表了3类农业生态系统。甘肃镇原在有机废弃物(秸秆与畜禽粪便)还田利用、人均粮食、高职教育、人均收入、饮用水安全、农药施用与基尼系数等方面接近佳态系统,仅在氮磷施用上稍微超标,属物质良性循环类型;宁夏吴忠由于在作物单产、有机废弃物还田与人均粮食等方面接近佳态,但在施肥量、水体污染与土壤有机质等方面远离佳态,因而ASDI有较大波动,属传统与集约化并存类型;山东桓台水肥药投入水平较高,农业面源污染负荷大,导致地表水、地下水氮磷超标引起ASDI较低,属典型的集约化类型。

关 键 词:大豆根腐病  大豆根腐病  镰孢菌  人工接种  

Based on Euclidean distance theory the agricultural sustainable development Evaluation method and case study
Abstract:Based on standardized Euclidean distance method, the evaluation theory and index of agricultural system sustainable development constructed, which includes evaluation function, rank, index, good system and error system. Zhenyuan county of Gansu province (ZG), Wuzhong county of Ningxia Hui autonomous region( WN) and Huantai of Shandong province (HS) are acted as study cases from 2000 to 2012. The results are shown as follows. ASDI in ZG is [0.70, 0.83] and all years are middle high rank of sustainable development. ASDI in WN is [0.40, 0.77] and six years are unsustainable development and other years are middle rank of sustainable development. ASDI in HS is [0.53, 0.71] and all years are unsustainable development. The results are very close to the realities and represent 3 types of agricultural system in China. There are good in organic wastes, straw and manure application, cereal per person, higher vocational education, income per person, drinking water safety, pesticide application rates and Gink coefficient and only more over-application chemical fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus in ZS that belongs to element beneficial cycle system. There are good in crop outputs per unit, organic water application and grain per person and bad in overdose of chemical fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus application, water pollution and soil organic matter in WN that belongs to traditional and intensive coexistence agricultural system. There are bad in high input of chemical fertilizers, pestcide and water,non-point source pollution, overproof of nitrogen and phosphorus in groundwater and surfaceater in HS that belongs to high intensive agricultural system.
Keywords:Agricultural sustainable development   evaluation   Euclidean distance
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