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引用本文:王秋霜,刘淑媚,凌彩金. 广东英德13个村镇茶园土壤质量及重金属安全性评价[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(29): 82-91. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17090012
作者姓名:王秋霜  刘淑媚  凌彩金
基金项目:英德市科技计划项目“英德茶园土壤质量及重金属安全性评估研究”([2014]65),“砷元素在茶树植株空间分布及其在红茶加工、冲泡过程 中的代谢研究”(JHXM2016065);广东省自然科学基金“红茶特异‘杏仁香’香气形成的化学基础研究”(2017A030310097)。
摘    要:为了考察广东英德地区茶园土壤的质量及重金属安全性,本研究采集了该地区13个村镇的茶园土壤样品76份,以国标方法对土壤酸碱度、肥力指标以及6种重金属铬、铜、铅、砷、镉、汞含量进行了测定,并进一步对土壤重金属安全性进行了评估。结果表明,有10个地块出现酸化和碱化,占土壤总数的13.15%,其中沙口镇和云岭镇部分茶园土壤已发生酸化;大湾镇、石牯塘、石灰铺镇部分茶园土壤发生碱化。对土壤肥力指标进行分析发现绝大多数土壤样本在散点图中位置相对集中,处于正负2较低的位置,说明英德绝大多数茶园土壤肥力较低。根据重金属单项污染指数来看,有9.21%的土壤砷污染指数超标,1.31%的茶园土壤汞污染指数超标和铬污染指数超标。大部分土壤样品的综合污染指数低于0.70,处于安全级别。有3.95%的茶园土壤重金属污染达到警戒级,包括望埠镇、石灰铺和英红镇;1.31%的茶园土壤重金属为轻污染级别,位于东华镇。研究认为,广东英德地区茶园土壤肥力相对较低、出现酸化和碱化现象,少量茶园土壤重金属出现污染状况。

关 键 词:光肩星天牛  光肩星天牛  蛀干害虫  防控技术  

Evaluation of Soil Quality and Heavy Metal Safety in Tea Garden of 13 Towns in Yingde, Guangdong
Abstract:To investigate soil quality and heavy metal safety in tea growing areas in Yingde, Guangdong, the authors collected 76 tea garden soil samples from 13 towns and measured soil pH value, fertility index and 6 kinds of heavy metals included chromium, copper, lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury according to national standards, and further evaluated the heavy metal safety. The results showed that there were 10 areas which had the phenomenon of acidification or basification, accounting for 13.15% of the total soil samples; among those samples, Shakou and Yunling samples were acidated, Dawan, Shigutang and Shihuipu samples were alkalized. The analysis of soil fertility showed that most samples located in the lower position of ± 2, relatively concentrated, indicating that the majority of Yingde tea garden soil had lower fertility. According to single heavy metal pollution index (Pi ), arsenic pollution index of 9.21% soil samples exceeded the standard, Hg and Cr pollution index of 1.31% soil samples exceeded the standard. The comprehensive pollution indexes (P ) of most soil samples were less than 0.70, which were at safe level. Heavy metal pollution of 3.95% soil samples(Wangfu, Shihuipu and Yinghong) reached the alert level; and 1.31% (Donghua) was in light pollution grade. The study shows that soil in Yingde is in lower fertility, with the phenomenon of acidification and basification, and a small amount of tea garden soil has heavy metal pollution.
Keywords:Yingde, tea  garden, soil  quality, safety
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