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引用本文:李开丽,檀满枝,密术晓,陈 杰. 基于土壤剖面质地构型的土壤质量评价——以河南省封丘县为例[J]. 土壤, 2016, 48(6): 1253-1260. DOI: 10.13758/j.cnki.tr.2016.06.027
作者姓名:李开丽  檀满枝  密术晓  陈 杰
作者单位:1. 江苏第二师范学院城市与资源环境学院,南京,210013;2. 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京,210008;3. 苏州市国土资源局,江苏苏州,215004;4. 郑州大学水利与环境学院,郑州,450000
摘    要:土壤剖面质地构型是土壤质量和土壤生产力的重要影响因子,对冲积平原地区来讲尤其重要。然而,现有的土壤质量评价研究中,很少采用该因子,且评价指标筛选大多缺乏明确的生物学意义。本研究利用河南省封丘县39个剖面数据及113个土钻样点数据,使用模糊C均值聚类方法 (FCM)结合Kriging插值方法获取的9种土壤剖面质地构型在空间上分布的单一类别隶属度图;在此基础上结合专家知识,针对平原地区旱作作物及耕地的耕性对土壤剖面质地构型的性状进行打分,以分值为参照,在Arc GIS 9.2中9个单一类别隶属度栅格文件进行栅格计算,获取了研究区土壤剖面质地构型栅格的综合分值。利用包括土壤剖面质地构型在内的多个土壤属性,结合作物产量数据,使用主成分分析(PCA)方法确定了最小数据集(MDS);应用指数和法,基于两种途径对土壤质量进行了评价,并结合测产获取的作物产量对两种评价结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:土壤质量指数与作物产量有较好的相关性,土壤质量评价结果能够较好地反映研究区的土壤质量状况。在添加剖面质地构型因子后,土壤质量评价结果有进一步的改善,可见在黄河泛滥冲积平原地区,剖面质地构型是土壤质量评价必不可少的因子。

关 键 词:土壤剖面质地构型  土壤质量  冲积平原  模糊C均值(FCM)  最小数据集(MDS)  主成分分析(PCA)

Evaluating Soil Quality with Texture Profile Configuration--A Case Study of Fenqiu,Henan
LI Kaili,TAN Manzhi,MI Shuxiao and CHEN Jie. Evaluating Soil Quality with Texture Profile Configuration--A Case Study of Fenqiu,Henan[J]. Soils, 2016, 48(6): 1253-1260. DOI: 10.13758/j.cnki.tr.2016.06.027
Authors:LI Kaili  TAN Manzhi  MI Shuxiao  CHEN Jie
Affiliation:College of Urban,Resource and Environmental Science,Jiangsu Second Normal University,Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Suzhou National Territory Resources Bureau,Zhengzhou University
Abstract:Profile configuration of soil texture plays a great role for soil quality and soil productivity outcome, especially in the alluvial plain. However, only a few existing soil quality evaluations are found to use the index, and the evalution factors are mostly lack of explicit biological significance. Thirty-nine profiles and 113 soil boring samples were collected in the study area. Using Fuzzy C Means Clustering (FCM), membership of nine kinds of typical profile configuration of soil texture was obtained. With a kriging interpolation method, the distribution map of membership of profile configuration of soil texture in the study area was completed. Based on expert knowledge, fuzzy membership of the profile configuration of soil texture was scored according to workability for cropping. The correlation analysis between soil properties and crop yields indicated that profile configuration of soil texture significantly affects soil productivity outcome. By Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the minimum data set (MDS) for soil quality evaluation was established with support of crop yield data. Soil quality indexes (SQI) were calculated using MDS with or without profile configuration of soil texture. The results showed that soil quality evaluation is credible. And the soil quality index had much better correlation with crop yield after adding profile configuration of soil texture. It also demonstrated that profile configuration of soil texture was essential indicators for soil quality evaluation in the study area.
Keywords:alluvial plain   FCM   MDS   PCA
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