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引用本文:于宏影,张含国,张磊,姜莹,张振. 基于多点解析木的长白落叶松建筑材优良种源选择1)[J]. 东北林业大学学报, 2015, 0(6): 10-14. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5382.2015.06.002
作者姓名:于宏影  张含国  张磊  姜莹  张振
作者单位:林木遗传育种国家重点实验室 东北林业大学,哈尔滨,150040
摘    要:
采用伐倒木取样的方法,对帽儿山、凉水、加格达奇3个地点31年生长白落叶松种源的生长、密度以及抗压、硬度、抗弯等14个性状进行测定,通过方差分析、主成分分析、稳定性分析等方法筛选出优良的建筑材种源。结果表明:3个地点不同种源间树高、胸径、材积差异显著,其他性状差异极显著。材积的变异系数最大,为36.43%,基本密度的变异系数最小,为10.11%。整合几种分析方法筛选出穆棱、天桥岭这两个种源为优良建筑材种源。两个优良种源的树高、胸径、材积、基本密度、气干密度、顺纹抗压强度、弦面硬度、径面硬度、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量的平均值为19.02 m、20.67 cm、0.320 m3、0.440 g/cm3、0.539 g/cm3、36.79 MPa、3293.54 N、3423.34 N、148.54 MPa、15.04 GPa,与3个地点种源平均值相比分别增产2.348%、3.261%、7.353%、1.614%、2.366%、1.589%、2.399%、1.613%、2.765%、2.566%。

关 键 词:长白落叶松  解析木  力学性质  建筑材  优良种源

Superior Building Timber Provenances Selection of Larix olgensis in Different Sites Based on Analytic Timber
Yu Hongying,Zhang Hanguo,Zhang Lei,Jiang Ying,Zhang Zhen. Superior Building Timber Provenances Selection of Larix olgensis in Different Sites Based on Analytic Timber[J]. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 2015, 0(6): 10-14. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5382.2015.06.002
Authors:Yu Hongying  Zhang Hanguo  Zhang Lei  Jiang Ying  Zhang Zhen
We studied the growth character , wood density , crushing strength , hardness , bending strength and other characters for the superior building timber provenances selection of 31-year-old Larix olgensis provenances in Maoershan , Liangshui and Jiagedaqi .After testing the felled-wood samples , we selected superior building timber provenances by variance analy-sis, multiple comparison , principal component analysis and stability analysis .The differences of tree height , DBH and tim-ber volume among families were significant , and the differences of other characters were extremely significant .The variation coefficient of timer volume was the most (36.43%) among all characters, while the wood basic density was the least (10.11%). We selected two provenances ( Muling and Tianqiaoling ) as the superior building timber provenances .The average timber volume, basic density, crushing strength parallel to grain , the hardness of tangential section and bending strength of these two provenances were 0.320 m3, 0.440 g/cm3, 36.79 MPa, 3 293.54 N and 148.54 MPa, respectively, and they were 7.353%, 1.614%, 1.589%, 2.399%and 2.765%more than the averages, respectively.
Keywords:Larix olgensis  Analytic timber  Mechanical properties  Building timber  Superior provenances
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