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Nutrition and bud removal affect biomass and nutrient allocation in Douglas-fir and western red cedar
Authors:Hawkins B. J.  Henry G.
Affiliation:Centre for Forest Biology, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3020, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N5, Canada.
Abstract:Seedlings of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and western red cedar (Thuja plicata J. Donn ex D. Don) were grown at high (250 mg l(-1)) and low (20 mg l(-1)) nitrogen (N) supply for a year. Before the second growing season, half of the seedlings in each nutrient treatment were allocated to the other treatment. Half of the seedlings in each nutrient treatment then had all growing points removed. Biomass and N, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations of old and new shoots and roots were measured three times in the second year to test the interaction of current-year and previous-year nutrient supply on biomass and nutrient allocation in these two species with different growth habits. Pruned seedlings served as controls. Unpruned seedlings of both species increased in height throughout the second growing season, except for Douglas-fir in the N250 --> N20 treatment. Repeated pruning did not prevent new shoot growth, but resulted in a 12 to 52% reduction in biomass of new shoots and new and old roots. Seedlings receiving a low N supply in the first growing season were more severely affected by pruning than seedings receiving a high N supply. Growth was reduced more by pruning in western red cedar than in Douglas-fir. Concentrations of N, P and K were higher in pruned seedlings than in unpruned seedlings. Although dry weights of all plant parts in all treatments increased throughout the second growing season, some retranslocation of N, P and K was observed from old shoots of both species in the N250 --> N20 and N20 --> N20 treatments after August. Quantities of N, P and K retranslocated were greatest in seedlings grown the previous year in the high-N treatment.
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