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Lichens and bryophytes on Eucalyptus obliqua in Tasmania: management implications in production forests
Authors:G Kantvilas  S.J Jarman
  • a Tasmanian Herbarium, Private Bag 4, Hobart, Australia 7001
  • b Forestry Tasmania, GPO Box 207, Hobart, Australia 7001
  • Abstract:Thirty lichen and 25 bryophyte species have been recorded from the buttresses of Eucalyptus obliqua, the dominant tree in wet sclerophyll forest at the Warra Long-Term Ecological Research Site in southern Tasmania. The flora, characterised by four major associations, is very distinctive, containing a relatively high number of eucalypt specialists, particularly among the lichens. A general trend towards increasing species richness with increasing tree diameter is apparent and is attributed mainly to increasing habitat diversity on the buttresses. The increase in species occurs without the loss of pioneers; thus succession involves addition rather than replacement of species. The relationships between epiphytes, tree age and forest age are complicated by the periodic occurrence of fires in the forest. Nevertheless, potential oldgrowth indicators are identified and the possible effects of current silvicultural practices on the conservation of the species are discussed.
    Keywords:Tasmania   Australia   Lichens   Bryophytes   Biodiversity   Eucalyptus obliqua   Oldgrowth forest   Species richness   Tree age   Diameter   Oldgrowth indicators   Epiphyte succession
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