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Profiling the New Zealand Thoroughbred racing industry. 2. Conditions interfering with training and racing
Authors:NR Perkins  SWJ Reid  RS Morris
Affiliation:1. EpiCentre, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences , Massey University , Palmerston North, New Zealand E-mail: n.r.perkins@massey.ac.nz;2. Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies , University of Glasgow Veterinary School , G61 1QH, Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland
Abstract:AIM: To describe and enumerate conditions that interrupted training and racing in a population of Thoroughbred racehorses in New Zealand.

METHODS: A longitudinal study design was used to collect data on horses training under the care of 20 licensed racehorse trainers from venues in the mid to lower regions of the North Island between October 1997 and July 2000. Incidence rates were reported for first and second occurrences for different categories of musculoskeletal injury (MSI), and first occurrences of upper and lower respiratory tract disease, using training days as time-at-risk. The proportion of horses that retired or died due to MSI, respiratory tract or miscellaneous conditions was used to estimate risk of exit for each type of event. Duration of training preparation, starts per 100 training days, and proportion of starts that ended in first, second or third place, were calculated for horses at risk for first MSI, and all subsequent MSIs. In training preparations that had at least one start and that ended in MSI, the cumulative percentage of MSIs by day of diagnosis was reported for 0–21 days after the last start in the preparation.

RESULTS: Horses (n=1,571) were followed during 3,333 training preparations and 392,290 training days. Events associated with the end of a training preparation or spell period included MSI (n=834), respiratory event (RE; n=165), miscellaneous event (ME; n=58), and voluntary retirements (n=360). Causes of MSI included lameness (n=400), shin soreness (n=207), tendon and ligament conditions (n=98), injury or laceration (n=56), fractures (n=55), and back disorders (n=18). MSIs involved the limbs in 97% of cases, and the lower limbs up to the carpus or hock in the fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, in 81% of cases. Most (93%) lower limb conditions involved a forelimb while 70% of MSIs that involved structures above the carpus or hock involved a hindlimb. Incidence rates (IRs) are reported for each age group for first and second occurrences of MSI, and first occurrence of upper and lower respiratory tract disease. The risk of MSI was higher in horses that had incurred one previous MSI (RR 1.4, 95% CI=1.2–1.7; p>0.001) than in horses without any previous MSI. The proportion of horses that exited due to death or retirement varied with the type of injury, and the highest proportion was associated with recurrent fractures, and tendon and ligament injuries (46.2 and 44.4%, respectively). The overall IR of horses exiting the study due to retirement or death increased with increasing age, and was higher in females than males for horses aged 2, 3, 4, and ≥5 years. A reduction in the number of starts per 100 training days was observed in horses aged ≥5 years when returning to training after an initial MSI (p=0.004). Male horses of all age groups and females younger than 4 years had shorter median training preparations (p>0.05) when returning to training after an initial MSI compared with preparations at risk for a first occurrence of MSI. Between 27 and 62% of cases of MSI that occurred in training preparations after at least one start were reported on the day of the last start, and the remainder were reported in the days to weeks following the last start of that preparation.

CONCLUSION: Incidence rates, and proportions of affected horses that retired or died as a result of injury or disorder varied with type of injury and age of horse. Horses returning to training after an initial MSI were at higher risk of subsequent MSIs and showed changes in duration of training preparations, but little change in starts per 100 training days or probability of placing in each start. MSIs in racing horses were less likely to be reported on the day of a race than at other times in the training preparation for all ages except 2-year-olds.
Keywords:Horse  equine  racing injury  performance  wastage
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