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Skin sensitivity to tuberculins in cattle vaccinated against Johne's disease
Authors:B.L. Munday B.V.Sc.
Affiliation:Tasmanian Department of Agriculture , P.O. Box 84, Currie, King Island, Tasmania
Abstract:Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of a dry-cow antibiotic preparation containing cloxacillin plus ampicillin in a formulation that gives a 10-week duration of action, in comparison to products containing cephalonium (10-week action) or cloxacillin alone (7-week action).

Methods: A total of 493 cows were selected from 6 spring-calving dairy herds in the Manawatu region of New Zealand, according to the criteria of the SAMM plan, to receive intramammary antibiotic therapy at the end of lactation (drying off). Cows were randomly allocated to receive 1 of the 3 dry-cow antibiotic products under investigation. Cows were examined twice during the dry period and twice daily during the first 10 days of their subsequent lactation for the presence of mastitis. Milk samples were collected from individual quarters at the time of drying off and at 7 and 28-35 days after calving, for determination of milk somatic cell counts (SCC). Bacteriology was carried out on milk samples taken from cows that developed mastitis during the first 10 days after calving.

Results: No cows developed mastitis during the dry period. Sixteen cows developed clinical mastitis within 10 days of calving; there was no difference in incidence between treatments. Streptococcus uberis was the most commonly isolated organism. Mean SCC on Day 7 were lower (p = 0.019) in cephalonium-treated quarters (189.9 ± 28.4 × 103 cells/ml) than in cloxacillin-treated quarters (388.7 ± 71.2 x 103 cells/ml); values in quarters receiving cloxacillin plus ampicillin were intermediate (252.0 ± 47.0 × 103 cells/ml). SCC were similar between treatment groups on Day 28–35.

Conclusions: The use of a combination of cloxacillin plus ampicillin was effective for the prevention of mastitis during the dry- and peri-calving-periods in pastured dairy cattle.
Keywords:dairy cow  mastitis  dry period  cloxacillin  cloxacillin plus ampicillin  cephalonium  somatic cell counts
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