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Durum Wheat under Mediterranean Conditions as Affected by Seed Size
Authors:C. Royo  A. Ramdani  M. Moragues   D. Villegas
Affiliation:Authors' address: Dr C. Royo (corresponding author;e-mail: ), IRTA, Area de Conreus Extensius, UdL-IRTA, Rovira Roure, 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain;Dr A. Ramdani, INRA-CRRA, Meknes, Route Haj Kaddour, km 10, B.P.578, Meknes, Morocco;Dr M. Moragues, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA;Dr D. Villegas, IRTA, Area de Conreus Extensius, UdL-IRTA, Rovira Roure, 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain
This study was carried out in order to determine the effect of seed size on the growth and yield of durum wheat. Four field experiments, composed of six durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) varieties and three seeding sizes were conducted in north‐east Spain in 2000 and 2001 in randomized complete block designs. The growth of seedlings was dramatically affected by seed size. Large seeds produced greater plot stands, but the plants had fewer tillers, leaves and spikes and less green area and dry weight than plots from small seeds. Grain yield was 16 % greater in plots from large seeds, which resulted in greater biomass, green area index, spikes per m2 and heavier kernels than in plots from small seeds. Kernel weight was the yield component most related to grain yield in the three seed sizes. The percentage of yield variation explained by kernel weight increased as the weight of kernels increased. This was a consequence of the use of larger seeds, the same effect being observed when the comparison was made between varieties with different kernel weights. Selection for heavy kernel varieties may help to improve the yield of durum wheat in Mediterranean environments similar to that prevailing in north‐east Spain.
Keywords:biomass    durum wheat    kernel weight    leaf area index    seed grading size
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