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Estimation of biomass and carbon stocks in plants,soil and forest floor in different tropical forests
Authors:Juan Carlos Loaiza Usuga,Jorge André  s Rodrí  guez Toro,Mailing Vanessa Ramí  rez Alzate,Á  lvaro de Jesú  s Lema Tapias
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of Hydrology and Soil Conservation, Forestry and Technology Centre of Catalonia, Solsona, Spain;2. Faculty of Forest Sciences, University of Concepción, Chile;3. Forestry Sciences Department, National University of Colombia, Medellin, Colombia
Abstract:An accurate characterization of tree carbon (TC), forest floor carbon (FFC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in tropical forest plantations is important to estimate their contribution to global carbon stocks. This information, however, is poor and fragmented. Carbon contents were assessed in patula pine (Pinus patula) and teak (Tectona grandis) stands in tropical forest plantations of different development stages in combination with inventory assessments and soil survey information. Growth models were used to associate TOC to tree normal diameter (D) with average basal area and total tree height (HT), with D and HT parameters that can be used in 6–26 years old patula pine and teak in commercial tropical forests as indicators of carbon stocks. The information was obtained from individual trees in different development stages in 54 patula pine plots and 42 teak plots. The obtained TC was 99.6 Mg ha−1 in patula pine and 85.7 Mg ha−1 in teak forests. FFC was 2.3 and 1.2 Mg ha−1, SOC in the surface layer (0–25 cm) was 92.6 and 35.8 Mg ha−1, 76.1 and 19 Mg ha−1 in deep layers (25–50 cm) in patula pine and teak, respectively. Carbon storage in trees was similar between patula pine and teak plantations, but patula pine had higher levels of forest floor carbon and soil organic carbon. Carbon storage in trees represents 37 and 60% of the total carbon content in patula pine and teak plantations, respectively. Even so, the remaining percentage corresponds to SOC, whereas FFC content is less than 1%. In summary, differences in carbon stocks between patula pine and teak trees were not significant, but the distribution of carbon differed between the plantation types. The low FFC does not explain the SOC stocks; however, current variability of SOC stocks could be related to variation in land use history.
Keywords:Biomass   Carbon   Forest floor   Tropical forests   Soils
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