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Stand-scale transpiration estimates in a Moso bamboo forest: (I) Applicability of sap flux measurements
Authors:Tomonori Kume  Yuka Onozawa  Hikaru Komatsu  Kenji Tsuruta  Yoshinori Shinohara  Toshihiro Umebayashi  Kyoichi Otsuki
Affiliation:1. School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106-17, Taiwan;2. Kasuya Research Forest, Kyushu University, Sasaguri, Fukuoka 811-2415, Japan;3. Fukuoka Prefecture, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8577, Japan;4. National Agricultural Research Center, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8666, Japan
Abstract:The applicability of sap flux (Fd) measurements to bamboo forests has not been studied. This study was undertaken to establish an optimal and effective design for stand-scale transpiration (E) estimates in a Moso bamboo forest. To this aim, we validated Fd measurements in Moso bamboos in a cut bamboo experiment. In addition, we analyzed how sample sizes affect the reliability of E estimates calculated from Fd and conducting culm area (AS_b). In the cut bamboo experiments, we found that Fd measurement using a 10 mm probe was a valid means of determining the water-use behavior of a Moso bamboo, although a specific correction was needed. Furthermore, we calculated E from stand AS_b (AS_stand) and mean stand Fd (JS). Employing Monte Carlo analysis, we examined potential errors associated with sample size in E, AS_stand, and JS using an original dataset with AS_b and Fd measured for 40 and 16 individuals, respectively. Consequently, we determined the optimal sample size for both AS_stand and JS estimates as 11. The optimal sample sizes for JS were almost the same under different vapor pressure deficit and soil moisture conditions. The optimal sample size for JS at the study site was less than that of a coniferous plantation in the same region probably owing to small individual-to-individual variations in sap flux in the Moso bamboo forest. Our study concludes that sap flux measurements are an applicable technique for assessing water use in Moso bamboo forests.
Keywords:AG, Ground area   AS_stand, Sectional area of stand culms   AS_b, Sectional area of individual culms   CV, Coefficient of variation   Dmax, Daily maximum VPD   dCV/dn, Changes in CV in accordance with n   dTmax, Maximum temperature difference between the two probes   E, Stand-scale transpiration   ΔE/E, Potential error in E estimate due to sample size   DBH, Diameter at breast height   Fd, Sap flux   Fd_ave, Specific sap flux averaged over culm area (= Q/AS_b)   Fd_up, Sap flux calculated from water uptake measured in cut bamboo experiments   JS, Mean stand sap flux   LAI, Leaf area index   n, Sample size   PDF, Probability density function   Q, Whole bamboo sap flux   Rs, Solar radiation   SD, Standard deviation   VPD, Vapor pressure deficit
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