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引用本文:张敏敏,刘冬碧,吴茂前,段小丽,熊桂云,夏颖,程子珍. 江汉平原棉花合理施氮量研究[J]. 湖北农业科学, 2016, 0(24): 6402-6405. DOI: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2016.24.021
作者姓名:张敏敏  刘冬碧  吴茂前  段小丽  熊桂云  夏颖  程子珍
作者单位:湖北省农业科学院植保土肥研究所,武汉 430064; 农业部潜江农业环境与耕地保育科学观测实验站,湖北 潜江 433116
摘    要:采用田间小区试验研究了江汉平原棉花合理施氮量。结果表明,在施用90 kg/hm~2 P2O5、180 kg/hm~2K2O和3 kg/hm~2持力硼基础上,利用线性+平台模型得到棉花中高产量水平下的合理施氮量为280 kg/hm~2。在不明显减产的条件下,从提高氮肥当季利用率、尽量降低氮肥投入的角度,可以将氮肥用量降低到240kg/hm~2左右,在此施氮水平下仍然可能通过改进田间管理措施获得高产。因此,江汉平原棉花氮肥减量空间为20~60 kg/hm~2。

关 键 词:棉花  施氮量  产量  氮肥利用率  氮平衡

The Research of Rational Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rate on Cotton in Jianghan Plain
Abstract:Rationa1 nitrogen (N) ferti1izer app1ication rate on cotton in Jianghan p1ain was studied by a fie1d experiment. Re-su1ts showed that, on the basis of 90 kg/hm2 P2O5,180 kg/hm2 K2O and 3 kg/hm2 granubor, and at a medium to high yie1d, the critica1 N ferti1izer app1ication rate on cotton was 280 kg/hm2 determined by 1inear + p1ateau mode1. Whereas the N ferti1-izer app1ication rate cou1d be decreased to around 240 kg/hm2,if high use efficiency and 1ow investment of N ferti1izers were taken into consideration. In this case, high yie1d was sti11 possib1e by fie1d management improvement. So the decrement of N ferti1izer app1ication rate on cotton was 20~60 kg/hm2 in Jianghan p1ain.
Keywords:cotton  nitrogen app1ication rates  yie1d  nitrogen ferti1izer use efficiency  nitrogen ba1ance
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