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引用本文:赵世锋,曹丽霞,石碧红,黄文胜,刘君馨,葛军勇. 冀北燕麦一点多年高产试验分析[J]. 农学学报, 2018, 8(9): 1-8. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas17050029
作者姓名:赵世锋  曹丽霞  石碧红  黄文胜  刘君馨  葛军勇
摘    要:为了明确河北坝上燕麦主要应用品种的丰产性和适应性,通过对6 个不同类型品种连续7 年高产试验结果的平均产量和变异系数分析,明确了‘坝燕4 号’和‘坝莜3 号’为饲料饲草专用品种,‘白燕2号’、‘坝莜9 号’和‘坝莜1 号’为加工专用型品种,早熟型品种‘坝莜6 号’和‘白燕2 号’可以做为一季作区救灾以及二季作区粮食和饲草生产应用。结果显示:(1)在较好的地力水平下,试验品种的籽实平均产量由高到低依次为:‘坝燕4 号’>‘坝莜6 号’>‘坝莜1 号’>‘坝莜9 号’>‘白燕2 号’>‘坝莜3 号’;生物平均产量由高到低依次为:‘坝燕4 号’>‘坝莜3 号’>‘坝莜1 号’>‘坝莜9 号’>‘坝莜6 号’>‘白燕2 号’;(2)在较好的地力水平和气象条件下,皮燕麦‘坝燕4 号’在2009 年获得6861.0 kg/hm2的最高籽实产量和14571.0 kg/hm2的最高生物产量,裸燕麦‘坝莜6 号’在2012 年获得了5494.5 kg/hm2的最高籽实产量,裸燕麦‘坝莜3 号’在2014 年获得了12507.0 kg/hm2的生物产量,‘坝燕4 号’、‘坝莜6 号’分别为皮、裸燕麦籽实高产潜力最高的品种;(3)试验品种均为抗逆性适应性较好品种,产量相对稳定,适应不同应用方向和地域。本试验取得了原种生产和品种评价双重收获。

关 键 词:微生态制剂  微生态制剂  刺参  使用策略  生长  水质  

Oat: Multiyear High-yield Experiment in the Same Site in North Hebei
Abstract:To clarify the fertility and adaptability of main application oat varieties in Bashang of Hebei, the authors analyzed the average yield, coefficient of variation of the high yield test results of 6 oat varieties for 7 years (2009-2015), identified that,‘bayan 4’and‘bayou 3’could be classified as the special varieties of forage,‘baiyan2’,‘bayou 9’and’bayou 1’could be classified as the special varieties for processing, earlymaturing varieties‘bayou 6’and‘baiyan 2’could be used as the relief varieties in single cropping area, andmore adapt to the two cropping area. The results showed that: (1) under good soil fertility level, the average grain yield from high to low was:‘bayan 4’>’bayou 6’>’bayou 1’>’bayou 9’>’baiyan 2’>’bayou 3’; the average yield of biomass from high to low was:‘bayan 4’>’bayou 3’>’bayou 1’>’bayou 9’>’bayou 6’>’ baiyan 2’; (2) under good soil fertility level and weather condition, hulled oat variety‘bayan 4’got the highest grain yield of 6861.0 kg/hm2 and the highest biomass of 14571.0 kg/hm2 in 2009; naked oat variety‘bayou 6’ had the highest grain yield of 5494.5 kg/hm2 in 2012,‘bayou 3’had the highest biomass of 12507.0 kg/hm2 in 2014;‘bayan 4’and‘bayou 6’were most potential varieties for grain yield; (3) the varieties had good resistance and relatively stable yield, and adapted to different application directions and planting areas. Theexperiment fulfilled both seed production and variety evaluation.
Keywords:oats   Production   A little years   Average   Coefficient of variation.
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