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引用本文:张宇. 黑龙江省一次严重霾天气特征及成因分析[J]. 农学学报, 2018, 8(10). DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18040015
摘    要:为了找到霾污染天气的特征和成因,笔者利用地面和高空气象要素、污染物成分观测资料,以及后向轨迹的方法,分析了黑龙江省2016 年11 月一次罕见的霾天气。结果表明:地面弱的气压场、中低空弱的低压槽、对流层中低层湿度和温度的增加、逆温条件、近地层弱的涡度平流,这些气象条件有利于大气污染聚集,浓度上升,能见度下降,引起严重的霾天气,而冷高压前部的偏北气流有利于霾天气消散。因此,比较弱的气象条件是造成霾天气的重要原因,而预报弱的天气条件是预报霾天气的关键。

关 键 词:γ-氨基丁酸  γ-氨基丁酸  种子引发 碱胁迫  耐碱性 萌发和生长  

A Haze in Heilongjiang: Weather Characteristics and Cause Analysis
Abstract:The paper aims to find the characteristics and cause of haze weather. We analyzed a rare haze weather process in Heilongjiang in November 2016 based on the observation data of surface and upper meteorological elements and pollutant composition and the method of the back trajectory. The results showed that: the meteorological conditions, including weak ground pressure field, weak trough of low and middle level, the increasing of temperature and humidity in low and middle troposphere, inversion conditions, and weak vorticity advection, were beneficial to air pollutant aggregation, the increase of concentration, and the visibility degradation, and caused the heavy haze weather, while the north airflow in front of cold high pressure was beneficial to haze dissipation. So, the weak meteorological condition is the important cause of the haze weather, and forecasting the weak weather condition is the key to forecast haze weather.
Keywords:Haze   Pollution   Meteorological Condition
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