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Modelling of a recording scheme for market-oriented smallholder pig producers in Northwest Vietnam
Authors:R. Roessler, P.Herold, A. Willam, H.-P. Piepho, L.T. Thuy,A. Valle Z  rate
Affiliation:R. Roessler, P.Herold, A. Willam, H.-P. Piepho, L.T. Thuy,A. Valle Zárate
Abstract:Village breeding programmes are being developed by an integrated long-term project for smallholders in Northwest Vietnam to improve pig production in different production systems. In total, 120 smallholders with 169 sows in 5 of the 9 project villages were approached in single person interviews, using a structured questionnaire. Frequency analysis of data on breeding management and ranking of smallholders' trait preferences and selection criteria used for pigs were performed with SAS 9.1, using the FREQ procedure. Survey results indicate that both improved local breeds and exotic genotypes should be incorporated in future village breeding programmes for market-oriented smallholder pig production, improving the reproductive and growth performance as well as the carcass quality. In a next step, a model reflecting the status quo at farms with market-oriented pig production was developed integrating data from farmers' survey and information from the project's current recording scheme. A deterministic approach was used to assess the profitability and genetic merit of the current recording scheme. Modelling results show that the current recording scheme is unprofitable (− 33.90 € sow− 1). As continued success of village breeding programmes depends on the profitability of breeding measures, the long-term sustainability of the current recording scheme seems unlikely. Genetic gains are achieved in production and carcass quality traits, while a small reduction in reproduction traits can be observed. In a last step, possible effects of increased pig performances on the profitability and genetic merit of the current recording scheme were evaluated. Effects of increased pig performances on the genetic and economic success of the recording scheme are generally limited. Further model calculations are necessary for finding possibilities to improve smallholder pig breeding in a profitable way.
Keywords:Smallholder pig production   Breed and trait preferences   Breeding management   Village breeding programmes   Deterministic approach
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