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引用本文:鱼小军,景媛媛,徐长林,师尚礼,张建文,陈陆军,杨海磊,肖红. 高寒区垄沟覆膜方式对苜蓿生长、根颈及根系特征的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2015, 24(6): 43-52. DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2014295
作者姓名:鱼小军  景媛媛  徐长林  师尚礼  张建文  陈陆军  杨海磊  肖红
作者单位:甘肃农业大学草业学院,草业生态系统教育部重点实验室,中-美草地畜牧业可持续发展研究中心,甘肃省草业工程实验室,甘肃 兰州730070
摘    要:高寒区缺乏耐寒苜蓿品种和适宜的栽培技术,严重阻碍了该区域旱作苜蓿和草地畜牧业的发展。为高寒区苜蓿的高产栽培提供理论依据,在天祝高寒牧区研究了垄沟覆膜、垄沟覆膜+覆土、平膜全覆和垄沟4种种植方法下苜蓿生长特性及第2年苜蓿返青时的根颈和根系形态特征。结果表明,垄沟覆膜处理显著提高了高寒区苜蓿的生长,促进了苜蓿根颈、根颈芽和根系的生长。在种植当年,垄沟覆膜下苜蓿的自然株高可达41.2 cm,2级分枝数达25.1个,鲜草和干草产量分别达975.44和249.37 kg/hm2,均显著高于垄沟覆膜+覆土、平膜全覆和垄沟处理(P<0.05)。与垄沟种植方式相比,垄沟覆膜种植方式下的苜蓿鲜草产量提高了74%,干草产量提高了73.2%。垄沟覆膜处理下苜蓿单株根颈返青芽数(17.0个/株)和根颈直径(9.87 mm)分别是垄沟处理(6.5个/株,2.00 mm)的2.63和4.94倍。垄沟覆膜和平膜全覆的苜蓿根颈入土深度分别为3.37和3.35 cm,显著低于垄沟覆膜+覆土处理(4.71 cm)与垄沟处理(4.73 cm)。垄沟覆膜处理下的苜蓿单株根体积(9.288 cm3/株)、根表面积(466.287 cm2/株)、根系生物量(7.76 g/株)、主根长度(85.55 cm)、主根直径(8.36 mm)和侧根数(26.27个)均显著高于平膜全覆处理、垄沟覆膜+覆土处理和垄沟处理(P<0.05)。平膜全覆处理和垄沟覆膜+覆土处理间的根颈芽数、根颈直径、根表面积、根体积和根系生物量差异不显著(P>0.05),但显著高于垄沟处理(P<0.05)。平膜全覆处理、垄沟覆膜+覆土和垄沟处理间的主根长度、主根直径和根系生物量差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验表明,垄沟覆膜处理极大地提高了苜蓿的根颈粗、根颈芽、主根深、根体积、根系表面积和根系生物量,提高了苜蓿产草量,建议在类似甘肃天祝高寒区的地区使用垄沟覆膜技术建植苜蓿人工草地。

关 键 词:垄沟覆膜  苜蓿  高寒区  生长特性  根颈和根系特征

Effects of film mulching on growth and crown and root characteristics of alfalfa in an alpine meadow
YU Xiao-Jun,JING Yuan-Yuan,XU Chang-Lin,SHI Shang-Li,ZHANG Jian-Wen,CHEN Lu-Jun,YANG Hai-Lei,XIAO Hong. Effects of film mulching on growth and crown and root characteristics of alfalfa in an alpine meadow[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2015, 24(6): 43-52. DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2014295
Authors:YU Xiao-Jun  JING Yuan-Yuan  XU Chang-Lin  SHI Shang-Li  ZHANG Jian-Wen  CHEN Lu-Jun  YANG Hai-Lei  XIAO Hong
Affiliation:Pratacultural College, Gansu Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem of Ministry of Education, Sino-U.S. Centers for Grazing Land Ecosystem Sustainability, Lanzhou 730070, China
Abstract:The lack of cold-resistant alfalfa varieties and appropriate cultivation techniques has greatly restricted the development of dry land alfalfa production and animal husbandry in alpine areas.This study compared fourestablishment treatments;plastic film mulching on ridges and furrows (A);film mulching parallel to the ground (B);film mulching on ridges and furrows+soil cover (C)and standard ridge and furrow planting (D). The study was conducted in an alpine region at Tianzhu.The growth characteristics of alfalfa were assessed in year 1 and crown and root characteristics in year 2.Treatment ‘A’significantly (P <0.05)increased alfalfa growth in the 1st year (249.37 kg/hm2 )compared to all other treatments.Total root volume (9.288 cm3/plant)root surface area (466.287 cm2/plant),root biomass (7.76 g/plant),root length (85.55 cm),root di-ameter (8.36 mm)and lateral root number (26.27)of treatment A were significantly higher than that of all other treatments (P <0.05).Crown bud numbers,crown diameter,root volume,root surface area and root biomass of treatments B and C were not significantly different but were significantly higher than treatment D (P <0.05).There were no differences in tap root depth,diameter and root biomass between treatments B,C and D.The present study showed that film mulching on ridges and furrows greatly improved alfalfa crown di-ameter,crown bud numbers,tap root depth,root volume,root surface area,root biomass and forage yield in-dicating considerable potential for the use of this technique in alpine areas.
Keywords:film mulching on ridge and over furrow  alfalfa  alpine region  growth characteristics  crown and root characteristics
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