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引用本文:杨巍,乔惠理,张才乔,方昌阁,汪建红. 鸡性分化前抑制雌激素合成对性行为和视前内侧核的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2004, 37(3): 436-436
作者姓名:杨巍  乔惠理  张才乔  方昌阁  汪建红
摘    要: 在受精蛋孵化第3天从气室注入100 μl生理盐水或芳香化酶抑制剂(AI),出雏后常规饲养到8月龄性成熟,观察其性行为,检测血清性激素水平,观察下丘脑视前内侧核(POM)形态结构变化。结果发现,AI处理母鸡获得雄性交配行为,血中雌二醇(E2)和睾酮(T)含量发生变化,雄性交配频率与血清T/E2 比呈正相关。1日龄雌雄雏鸡POM细胞大小和形态无明显差异,AI处理后细胞均变大;性反转母鸡POM细胞形态较正常母鸡无明显变化,但细胞密度降低,细胞变小。结果表明,在胚胎期抑制芳香化酶活性可以引起血清性激素水平、性行为雄

关 键 词:  性反转  视前内侧核  芳香化酶

Effects of Inhibition of Estrogen Synthesis on Chicken Sexual Behavior and Medial Preoptic Nucleus
YANG Wei,QIAO Hui-li,ZHANG Cai-qiao,FANG Chang-ge,WANG Jian-hong. Effects of Inhibition of Estrogen Synthesis on Chicken Sexual Behavior and Medial Preoptic Nucleus[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2004, 37(3): 436-436
Authors:YANG Wei  QIAO Hui-li  ZHANG Cai-qiao  FANG Chang-ge  WANG Jian-hong
Abstract:In the present study aromatase inhibitor (AI) was injected into air sac of chicken embryos to reveal thefunction of estrogen in the sexual behaviors and the development of the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) in the hypothalamus.After sexual maturation, sexual behaviors and serum steroid levels were checked. The results showed that the treatment ofAI induced masculinization of the mating behaviors in the sex-reversed hens. Estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) levelschanged, and the frequency of masculine mating behaviors was correlated positively with the ratio of serum T/E2. POM cellsof 1-day-old female and male chicken had no obvious difference, but the cell size became larger after AI treatment. Therewere no obvious changes of the morphology of the POM cells in adult sex-reversed hens compared with the control, but thecell density and the cell size decreased greatly. These results indicated that inhibition of aromatase activity during theembryonic period caused the serum sex steroid and the sexual behaviors towards the male and the frequency of male matingbehaviors were correlated positively with the ratio of serum T/E2. The POM structure of 1-day-old chickens did not existsexual difference, while cell density and cell size of the adult chickens changed.
Keywords:Chicken  Sexual reversed  Medial preoptic nucleus  Aromatase
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