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坚持水土保持综合治理 促进农业持续发展
摘    要:<正>定西地区位于甘肃省中部,总面积20330km~2,辖7个县168个乡(镇),总人口282.65万人,其中农村人口261.40万人,人口密度139人/km~2;有耕地52.4万hm~2,其中山坡地占87%.全区分黄土丘陵干旱山区和高寒阴湿山区两个自然类型,中北部干旱区年降水量300mm,南部高寒阴湿山区无霜期仅120d左右,生态环境恶劣.长期以来,定西地区水土流失十分严重,水土流失面积达1.67万km~2,占总面积的82.1%.据测算.年均土壤侵蚀模数5252.7t/km~2,严重的地方超过12000t/km~2;年均流失泥沙8786万t,相当于流失3.9mm厚的土层,每年有199万t氮、磷、钾随泥沙流失而流失.长期严重的水土流失致使定西地区土地日益瘠薄,生态环境不断恶化,多种自然灾害频繁发生,尤以旱灾为重,素有“十年九旱”之称.由于区域生态长期失调,农业生产条件很差,农村经济发展比较缓

关 键 词:水土保持  综合治理  农业持续发展

Insisting on Soil and Water Conservation Comprehensive Management to Improve Sustained Development of Agriculture
Abstract:Dingxi Prefecture is located in the center of Gansu Province, the soil loss area is 16.7 thousand km2, occupying 82.1 % of the total land area. The agricultural production condition in the prefecture was very bad, and the masses lived in poverty. In resent 10-odd years, the cadres and masses insisted on soil and water conservation comprehensive management to improve the fundamental conditions for agricultural production. In 1996, the grain output per capita in rural area reached 300 kg, the income per capita reached 855 yuan, poverty rate dropped to 23.9% . Their main measures are as follow: 1. Laying stress on planting trees and grasses, managing and protecting forest land and grass land legally; 2. Conducting comprehensive management taking a small watershed as a unit ; 3. Improving ecological environment and production condition simultaneously; 4. Adjusting agricultural structure to strengthen the function of agricultural ecosystem.
Keywords:soil loss small watershed  comprehensive management construction of terraced field    agricultural structure    Dingxi Prefecture
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