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引用本文:张彩军,姚宝辉,王小燕,孙小妹,苏军虎. 草地补播对甘南草原高寒草甸高原鼢鼠食性的影响[J]. 草业科学, 2022, 38(5): 967-975. DOI: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2020-0382
作者姓名:张彩军  姚宝辉  王小燕  孙小妹  苏军虎
作者单位:甘肃农业大学草业学院 / 草业生态系统教育部重点实验室 / 甘肃省草业工程实验室 / 中美草地畜牧业可持续发展研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730070;甘肃农业大学?新西兰梅西大学草地生物多样性研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730070;国家林业和草原局高寒草地鼠害防控工程技术研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730070;甘肃农业大学?新西兰梅西大学草地生物多样性研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730070;甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
摘    要:本研究阐明草地补播对高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)食性的影响,能为其防控和草地管理提供重要参考.利用胃容物显微分析法,研究高原鼢鼠在甘南高寒草甸补播草地和退化草地的食性与生态位差异.结果发现,草地补播显著改变了高原鼢鼠的食物资源,退化草地下优势植物主要是菊科(Asteraceae,45.30%)、唇形科(Lamiaceae,26.40%)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae,18.72%),而补播后则变为禾本科(Poaceae,37.00%)、蔷薇科(25.68%)和莎草科(Cyperaceae,16.54%).退化草地中高原鼢鼠采食15科27属27种植物,食物比例中蔷薇科(45.72%)、禾本科(19.68%)和廖科(Polygonaceae,17.11%)最高.而在补播草地高原鼢鼠采食15科25属28种植物,主要采食蔷薇科(40.71%)、禾本科(25.32%)、廖科(11.70%)和莎草科(11.45%).草地补播影响了高原鼢鼠采食植物的比例,且食性的生态位宽度、食物的多样性指数和均匀度有所提高.综上所述,补播可以通过减少杂类草的比例来减少高原鼢鼠的食物来源,喜食植物的减少可能会增加高原鼢鼠的觅食时间从而增加高原鼢鼠的觅食代价.通过补播影响高原鼢鼠食性是其生态防控的一个有效途径.

关 键 词:补播  高寒草甸  高原鼢鼠  食性  甘南草原  生态位宽度  显微组织分析

Effects of grassland sowing on the feeding habits of Eospalax baileyi in the Gannan alpine meadow
ZHANG Caijun,YAO Baohui,WANG Xiaoyan,SUN Xiaomei,SU Junhu. Effects of grassland sowing on the feeding habits of Eospalax baileyi in the Gannan alpine meadow[J]. Pratacultural Science, 2022, 38(5): 967-975. DOI: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2020-0382
Authors:ZHANG Caijun  YAO Baohui  WANG Xiaoyan  SUN Xiaomei  SU Junhu
Abstract:In order to clarify the effects of grassland supplementary sowing on feeding habits of plateau zokor and to provide a reference for its control and grassland management, the differences of feeding habits and ecological niche of plateau zokor between reseeded and degraded grassland of Gannan alpine meadow were analyzed using microanalysis analysis of stomach contents. Our results showed that reseeding significantly changed the food resources of plateau zokor. The dominant plants under degraded grassland mainly belonged to Asteraceae (45.30%), Lamiaceae (26.40%), and Rosaceae(18.72%). After supplementary sowing, the plants of Poaceae (37.00%), Rosaceae (25.68%), and Cyperaceae (16.54%) became the dominant species. Plateau zokor fed on 27 species of plants belonging to 27 genera and 15 families in degraded grassland, but the plants of Rosaceae (45.72%), Gramineae (19.68%), and Polygonaceae (17.11%) were the main food. In reseeded grassland, plateau zokor fed on 28 species of plants belonging to 25 genera and 15 families, the plants of Rosaceae (40.71%), Gramineae (25.32%), Liaoaceae (11.70%), and Cyperaceae (11.45%) were the main food source. Grassland supplementary seeding affected the proportion of plants that plateau zokors fed on, and the niche breadth, food diversity index, and evenness was improved. Thus, reseeding can reduce the food source of plateau zokors by reducing the proportion of weeds, while the reduction of edible plants may increase the feeding time of plateau zokor, thereby increasing their foraging cost.
Keywords:reseeding  alpine meadow  plateau zokor  diet  Gannan meadow  niche breadth  microhistological analysis
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