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Intensive kaolinization during a lateritic weathering event in South-West Spain: Mineralogical and geochemical inferences from a relict paleosol
Authors:J.C. Ferná  ndez-Caliani,M. Cantano
Affiliation:1. Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, Campus de El Carmen, s/n, 21071 - Huelva, Spain;2. Departamento de Geodinámica y Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad de Huelva, Campus de El Carmen, s/n, 21071 - Huelva, Spain
Abstract:This study documents the mineralogical and geochemical record of a lateritic weathering event during the Pliocene in South-west Spain. The paleoweathering profile derived from arkosic sands and comprises a white sandy clayey saprolite, a red mottled clay zone overlain by a thick soft layer, and a ferruginous pisolitic hardcap partially dismantled by erosive processes. Kaolinite, quartz and degraded K-feldspars are the major minerals forming the saprolite, along with Al-goethite (mottled zone) as well as gibbsite and boehmite (soft layer), while the pisolitic duricrust is essentially composed of quartz grains embedded in a matrix of Fe oxy-hydroxides (hematite, goethite, and/or maghemite). Besides quartz, the phases most resistant to alteration were a variety of heavy minerals (mostly titanium oxides) that are present as minor impurities in the residual kaolin deposit.
Keywords:Kaolin   Fe oxy-hydroxides   Laterite   Weathering   Paleosol   Paleoclimate   Pliocene
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