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Progesterone and equine chorionic gonadotropin concentrations around the time of pregnancy loss in mares impregnated by donkeys or stallions
Authors:Myriam Boeta MVZ   MS  Luis Zarco MVZ   PhD

Departmento de Reproducción, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, México

Abstract:The objective of this study was to compare the incidence of pregnancy loss of mares carrying a mule embryo with that of mares carrying a horse embryo. The possible causes of such mortality were evaluated through serial ultrasonographic evaluations and hormonal monitoring, paying special attention to the role of premature regression of the endometrial cups and its relation to inadequate luteal function.

Twenty-eight mares impregnated by stallions and 19 mares impregnated with donkey semen were evaluated ultrasonographically every week from day 20 to day 150 of pregnancy. The viability of the product was assessed each time, and the diameter of the embryonic vesicle was measured from day 25 to day 60. Blood samples for progesterone and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) determination were taken every week.

Both progesterone and eCG concentrations during normal pregnancies wegre significantly lower in the mares inseminated with donkey semen than in the mares impregnated by stallions (P<.05). In 7 of the mares carrying mule conceptuses to term, the concentrations of eCG remained basal throughout the study. In the other animals from this group, the levels of this hormone did increase but returned to baseline much earlier (on day 77 of pregnancy) than in the mares served by stallions (on day 126 day of pregnancy). There was no significant difference between the growth rate of embryonic vesicles of mares carrying mule embryos and that of mares carrying horse embryos (P>.05).

The incidence of pregnancy loss was significantly higher (P<.05) in mares carrying a mule embryo (36.8 %) than in mares carrying a horse embryo (21.4%); it occurred on average on day 93 of pregnancy in mares carrying mule embryos and on day 43 on mares carrying horse embryos. There was only 1 case in which pregnancy loss was associated with concentrations of both eCG and progesterone that were much lower than the average for the normal pregnancies of the same group, and this was in a mare carrying a horse embryo. The most frequent cause of pregnancy loss was premature luteal regression due to primary luteolysis, as evaluated via peripheral progesterone concentrations. This occurred in 2 mares carrying horse embryos and in 4 mares carrying mule embryos. Three mares carrying mule embryos and 1 carrying a horse embryo had abortions that were not preceded or accompanied by any alteration in progesterone or eCG levels and were thus classified as fetal deaths of non-endocrine origin.

It is concluded that the incidence of pregnancy loss is higher in mares carrying a mule embryo than in mares carrying a horse embryo. However, this is not due to the low progesterone concentrations associated with the premature regression of the endometrial cups that occurs in mares with interspecific pregnancy.

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