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引用本文:黎海利,董丽. 萱草部分野生种和栽培品种亲缘关系的AFLP分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2009, 36(8): 1203-1208
作者姓名:黎海利  董丽
作者单位:(北京林业大学园林学院, 国家花卉工程研究中心, 北京100083; 湛江师范学院生命科学与技术学院, 广东湛江524048)
摘    要: 借助AFLP标记对35份萱草野生种和栽培品种进行亲缘关系研究, 结果表明, 7对引物组合对萱草共扩增出条带380条, 其中多态性条带357条, 平均多态性达到93.39% , 单对引物扩增条带19~85条, 平均每对引物组合扩增多态性条带51条。7对引物扩增出的多态性条带均超过90.0%。种质资源相似系数为0.3822~0.9656, 平均相似系数为0.7039。UPGMA聚类结果将供试材料分为3类, 即早花、中花和晚花类, 同一产地的品种基本能聚在一起。AFLP标记技术能较好地从分子水平揭示萱草种质资源的亲缘关系。

关 键 词:萱草  亲缘关系  AFLP标记

Relationship of Hemerocallis spp. Wild Species and Cultivars by AFLP Marker
LI Hai-li,DONG Li. Relationship of Hemerocallis spp. Wild Species and Cultivars by AFLP Marker[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2009, 36(8): 1203-1208
Authors:LI Hai-li  DONG Li
Affiliation:(College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, China National Centre for Flower Engineering Technique, Beijing 100083, China; Life Science and Technology School, Zhanjiang Normal University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524048, China)
Abstract:The genetic diversity and relationship of 35 accessions of daylilies in China was analyzed by AFLP markers. Among the 380 polymorphic bands obtained from 7 selective primer pairs, 357 ( 93.39% ) was polymorphic. The average number of DNA bands per primer pair was 51 with a range of 19-85. The polymorphic rates of per primer pair were beyond 90.0%. The average genetic similarity among all 35 accessions evaluated was 0.7039 and ranged from 0.3822 to 0.9656. Based on the UPGMA dendrogram, all the materials could be divided into three types: Early-blooming type, mid-blooming type, late-blooming type.Cultivars originated from the same country could be clustered together in the AFLP dendrogram. The results showed that AFLP approach was efficient in generating more accurate information on the genetic diversity and relationship of daylily germplasms
Keywords:Hem eroca llis  genetic diversity  relationship  AFLP marker
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