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引用本文:黄 玲,高 阳,邱新强,李新强,申孝军,孙景生,巩文军,段爱旺. 灌水量和时期对不同品种冬小麦产量和耗水特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(14): 99-108
作者姓名:黄 玲  高 阳  邱新强  李新强  申孝军  孙景生  巩文军  段爱旺
作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003;1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003;2. 河南省水利科学研究院;1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003;1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003;1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003;郑州 450003;1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/农业部作物需水与调控重点开放实验室,新乡 453003
摘    要:为明确品种更替过程中冬小麦的耗水特性、产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的变化规律,以及对水分胁迫的响应,于2010-2012两个生长季选取河南中北部建国以来不同年代的7个主栽品种为试验材料,在田间设置三个水分处理下(W0,返青后不灌水;W1,拔节期灌水;W2,拔节和灌浆期分别灌水),研究了冬小麦的耗水特性、产量构成因素、收获指数和水分利用效率的变化过程。研究结果表明:在冬小麦更替过程中,冬小麦总耗水和土壤贮水消耗与年代差异不显著,而受降雨和灌溉影响较大。从20世纪50年代至现在,90年代及以后的冬小麦品种千粒重在41g以上,明显高于早期品种。两年生长季冬小麦籽粒产量增加58.4%和41.8%,平均每次更替增加396和362kg/hm2;收获指数增加37.0%和18.0%,平均每次更替增加0.2和0.1;WUE增加55.3%和40.8%,平均每次更替增加0.11和0.10kg/m3。现代品种源、库关系得到改善,千粒重大幅度增加和收获指数增加是籽粒产量提高的主要原因。籽粒产量和WUE由品种和水分互作效应决定,在拔节期和灌浆期灌水可明显提高籽粒产量水平,并在一定程度上提高了水分利用效率。

关 键 词:灌溉  土壤  水分  冬小麦  农艺性状  耗水特性  籽粒产量  水分利用效率

Effects of irrigation amount and stage on yield and water consumption of different winter wheat cultivars
Huang Ling,Gao Yang,Qiu Xinqiang,Li Xinqiang,Shen Xiaojun,Sun Jingsheng,Gong Wenjun and Duan Aiwang. Effects of irrigation amount and stage on yield and water consumption of different winter wheat cultivars[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2013, 29(14): 99-108
Authors:Huang Ling  Gao Yang  Qiu Xinqiang  Li Xinqiang  Shen Xiaojun  Sun Jingsheng  Gong Wenjun  Duan Aiwang
Affiliation:1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China;1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China;2. Henan provincial water conservancy research institute, Zhengzhou 450003, China;1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China;1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China;1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China;3. Jiaozuo Guangli Irrigation District, Qinyang 454550, China;1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Lab for Crop Water Requirement and Its Regulation of MOA, Xinxiang 453003, China
Abstract:Abstract: Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the main cereal crop grown in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Average yields of winter wheat in many countries have increased by 40% over the past five decades due to the development of new cultivars, improvements of crop management practices and changes of favorable climate. However, water shortage is becoming an important factor limiting sustainable winter wheat production in many parts of the world. The greatest challenge for the winter wheat producers is to produce more wheat grain from limited water, and an available way to face the challenge is to improve winter wheat water productivity. Winter wheat water productivity had been significantly improved in the last 25 years, but there is still a big room for improving further. Selecting cultivars with more efficient water use is a key means to reduce water consumption in winter wheat production in the water-scarce regions. A field experiment was carried out during 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012 growing seasons of winter wheat to clarify the variations in water consumption, grain yield, and water use efficiency (WUE), and their responses to water stress during the process of cultivar replacement in past decades. Seven cultivars of winter wheat released from 1950s to the current, in which each cultivar was once widely planted in north central Henan province during a certain decade, were taken as experimental materials. At the mean time, three irrigation regimes were designed including no irrigation after turning green (W0), irrigation applied only once at jointing (W1), and irrigation applied at jointing, and at filling, respectively (W2), to investigate dynamics of water consumption characteristics, yield components, harvest index, and WUE of winter wheat. Results showed that precipitation and timing of irrigation significantly impacted total water consumption and soil water extraction of winter wheat while different planting decades had insignificant effect on them. 1000-kernel weight during 1990s to the current kept more than 41 g, significantly higher than that during the earlier planting decades. During the 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012 growing seasons, grain yields of winter wheat were increased by 396 and 362 kg/hm2, or 58.4 % and 41.8 % higher than the average yield across 1950s to the present, respectively; similarly, harvest indices were increased by 37.0 % and 18.0 %, an increase of 0.2 and 0.1 from the previous average indices; WUE was increased by 55.3 % and 40.8 %, an increase of 0.11 and 0.10 kg/m3, respectively. Improvement of grain yield is mainly attributable to the improved source to sink relationship, boosted 1000-kernel weight, and increased harvest index. Grain yield and WUE are significantly influenced by cultivar × soil water interaction, and can be significantly improved by supplemental irrigation applied at jointing and at filling stages of winter wheat.
Keywords:irrigation   soils   moisture   winter wheat   agronomic trait   water consumption characteristic   grain yield   water use efficiency
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