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Über die natürlichen krankheiten des goldafters,Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Lep., Lymantriidae) 1977 in bayern
Authors:Dr. K. Purrini
Affiliation:1. Institut für angewandte zoologie München, K?nigin-Luise-Stra?e19, 1000, München, Deutschland
Abstract:Studie were made on the diseases in a population ofEuproctis chrysorrboea L. collected near Munich on vak trees. Three species of parasites found in the larvae were members of Protozoa: a)Pleistophora scbubergi Zwölfer which was the most prevalent (59%) and infected 34% L3, 62% L4 and 99% L5; b) aNosema sp. (probablyNosema kova?evi?i Purrini & Weiser, 1975) which amounted to 1% in mixed infection with a nuclear-polyhedrosis Virus,Borrelina euproctis. This Virus alone (with a particle size of 2–2.5 microns) has been isolated from the 28 larvae (6%). Larvae usually died during the second (from nuclear-polyhedrosis) and third week (from microsporidia) with infection of intestinal-cavity (Pleistophora schubergi), fat-body (Nosema sp. probablyNosema kova?evi?i) and nuclei of adipose tissue (nuclear-polyhedrosis).
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