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引用本文:陈敏斯,杜建华,王薇,于海晨,王博,顾泽,刘晓东. 八达岭林场油松林冠层可燃物特征及潜在火行为[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(3): 55-64. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210084
作者姓名:陈敏斯  杜建华  王薇  于海晨  王博  顾泽  刘晓东
作者单位:1.北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院,北京 100083
摘    要:  目的  研究冠层可燃物特征和树冠火发生条件,模拟潜在火行为特征,对于森林可燃物管理及树冠火有效防控均具有重要意义。  方法  本文以北京市八达岭林场油松林为研究对象,利用破坏性取样方法,选择具有代表性的18株油松样木进行采伐,自第一活枝高始,以1 m为一个层次对油松林冠层由下而上进行划分,不足1 m的按照1 m层次划分,并按照冠层可燃物枝条径阶大小(针叶;大枝直径 ≥ 0.64 cm;小枝直径 < 0.64 cm)调查冠层总可燃物生物量,结合样地面积和油松林平均冠长,计算样地平均冠层可燃物负荷量(CFL)和冠层容积密度(CBD)。基于林分因子,建立与林分结构参数(胸径、第一活枝高、冠长、树高、冠幅)的多元回归模型;根据冠层可燃物负荷量模型可估算样地平均冠层容积密度,结合研究区防火期内月平均最大风速和地表可燃物负荷量,在3种细小可燃物含水率条件下(6%、10%、14%),利用van Wagner和Cruz的树冠火蔓延模型,预测油松林树冠火的发生,利用Byram模型计算冠层潜在火行为特征(如火线强度和火焰高度)。  结果  (1)油松林平均冠层可燃物负荷量为4.54 t/hm2,冠层容积密度为0.21 kg/m3,可燃物负荷量分布呈现由下而上逐层递减的趋势。林冠底层(0 ~ 1 m)可燃物占冠层总可燃物比例最大,为54.03%,大枝在林冠底层分布比例较大且快速逐层递减,针叶在各层次均有较大比例分布。(2)基于林分因子建立的冠层可燃物负荷量非线性模型具有较高的拟合度,其中胸径和第一活枝高与冠层可燃物负荷量呈极显著相关(P < 0.01),在不破坏林木的情况下,根据林分易测因子可较好地估测油松林冠层可燃物负荷量。(3)在低燃烧条件下,除4月份外油松林发生间歇型树冠火的概率均低于0.5;在中度燃烧条件下,春季(3—5月份)风速较大,均存在发生连续型树冠火的可能;在极端干燥的高燃烧条件下,2—5月连续型树冠火的潜在火行为指标较高,4月份发生的连续型树冠火,表现出最高的潜在火行为指标,蔓延速度为46 m/min,火线强度为8 062 kW/m,火焰高度为15 m。  结论  冠层可燃物是影响林火发生的重要因素,胸径和第一活枝高为冠层可燃物负荷量的主要影响因子。通过破坏性取样直接获得冠层可燃物实测数据,所构建的冠层可燃物负荷量估测模型具有较高精度。风速、冠层容积密度和细小可燃物含水率与树冠火的发生和蔓延关系密切,油松林春季存在的树冠火发生隐患较大,大风和极端干燥气候条件下易发生高强度树冠火,通过营林抚育措施(抚育间伐,修枝)可有效降低可燃物密度,增大活枝高,以降低树冠火发生概率及危害程度。 

关 键 词:油松   冠层可燃物负荷量   冠层容积密度   树冠火   火行为

Characteristics and potential fire behavior of combustibles in the canopy of Pinus tabuliformis forest in Badaling Forest Farm of Beijing
Chen Minsi,Du Jianhua,Wang Wei,Yu Haichen,Wang Bo,Gu Ze,Liu Xiaodong. Characteristics and potential fire behavior of combustibles in the canopy of Pinus tabuliformis forest in Badaling Forest Farm of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(3): 55-64. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210084
Authors:Chen Minsi  Du Jianhua  Wang Wei  Yu Haichen  Wang Bo  Gu Ze  Liu Xiaodong
Affiliation:1.School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China2.Forest Fire Prevention Early Warning and Monitor Center of Ministry of Emergency Management, Beijing 100055, China
Abstract:  Objective  Canopy fire is a type of high-energy fire which severely damages forest resources. It is difficult to extinguish and threatens the safety of fire fighting personnel. Analyzing the characteristics of canopy combustibles and the occurrence conditions of canopy fires, and simulating potential fire behavior characteristics are of great significance for forest combustibles management and effective prevention and control of canopy fires.   Method  The study took the Pinus tabuliformis forest in the Beijing Badaling Forest Farm as the research object. Using destructive sampling methods to harvest 18 representative samples of P. tabuliformis, starting from the first living branch height, the canopy of the P. tabuliformis forest was divided from bottom to top with 1 m as a level, those less than 1 m were divided into 1 m level, and investigated the total biomass of combustibles in the canopy according to the diameter of the canopy combustible branches (needles; bough diameter ≥ 0.64 cm; twig diameter < 0.64 cm), which combined the plot area and the average canopy length of the P. tabuliformis forest to calculate the canopy fuel load (CFL) and canopy bulk density (CBD). Based on stand factors, we established a multiple regression model with stand structure parameters (DBH, height of the first living branch, crown length, tree height, crown width); estimated the sample plot based on the canopy fuel load model. Under the conditions of three fine combustibles moisture content (6%, 10%, 14%), the average CBD, combining with the average monthly maximum wind speed and the surface fuel load in the study area, the canopy fire spread rate model of van Wagner and Cruz was used to predict the occurrence of canopy fire in the P. tabuliformis forest, and the Byram model was used to simulate potential fire behavior characteristics (such as the intensity of the fire line and the height of the flame).   Result  (1) The average canopy fuel load of P. tabuliformis forest was 4.54 t/ha, the CBD was 0.21 kg/m3, and the fuel load distribution was gradually decreasing from bottom to top. The combustibles at the bottom of the canopy (0?1 m) accounted for the largest proportion of the total combustibles in the canopy, which was 54.03%. The boughs distributed at the bottom of the canopy and rapidly decreased layer by layer, and the needles were distributed in a large proportion at each layer. (2)The non-linear model of canopy fuel load based on stand factors had a high degree of fit, in which DBH and height of the first living branch were extremely significantly correlated with CFL (P < 0.01). Under the condition of not destroying the forest, the canopy fuel load of P. tabuliformis forest can be better estimated according to the easy-to-test factor of the forest stand. (3) Under moderate burning conditions, the wind speed was high in spring (March to May), and there was a possibility of continuous canopy fire; under extremely dry and high combustion conditions, the potential fire behavior index of continuous canopy fires from February to May was relatively high. The continuous canopy fire that occurred in April showed the highest potential fire behavior index, with a spreading rate of 46 m/min. The fire line intensity was 8 062 kW/m, and the flame height was 15 m.   Conclusion  Canopy combustible is an important factor affecting the occurrence of forest fires, and the DBH and the height of first living branch are the main influencing factors of CFL. The measured data of canopy combustibles are directly obtained through destructive sampling, and the constructed canopy fuel load estimation model has high accuracy. Wind speed, CBD and moisture content of fine combustibles are closely related to the occurrence and spread of canopy fires. The forests in the study are prone to high-intensity canopy fires under extreme dry climate conditions. The hidden dangers of canopy fire in the P. tabuliformis forest in spring are greater, high winds and extreme dry climate conditions are prone to high-intensity canopy fires. Through forest tending measures (thinning and pruning), the density of combustibles can be effectively reduced, and the height of live branches can be increased to reduce the probability and harm of canopy fire degree. 
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