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Identification of genomic constitutions of Oryza species with the B and C genomes by the PCR-RFLP method
Authors:Ying Bao  Bao-Rong Lu  Song Ge
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100093 Beijing, China;(2) Qufu Normal University, 273165 Qufu, Shandong, China;(3) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, Institute of Biodiversity Science, Fudan University, 200433 Shanghai, China
Abstract:Oryza officinalis complex is the largest and the most complicated group in the genus Oryza L., consisting of about ten species with the B, C, BC, CD, and E genomes. Taxonomy and identification of the species, particularly those with the B, C and BC genomes, are difficult due to the similar morphology and overlapping distribution of some species. The difference in ploidy levels of some species adds more complexity. In the present study, we surveyed 64 accessions of rice germplasm in the O. officinalis complex using RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified Adh genes in addition to chromosome counting. The results confirmed that all O. rhizomatis accessions are diploids with the C genome, whereas all O. minuta accessions are tetraploids having the BC genome. However, both diploid and tetraploid forms were found for the accessions identified in the genebank as O. officinalis, O. punctata and O. eichingeri. The tetraploid form of lsquoO. officinalisrsquo with the BC genome is exclusively distributed in India and has been described as O. malampuzhaensis. The tetraploid form of O. punctata which has been called O. schweinfurthiana by some workers was found to be as widely distributed as its diploid form in Africa. It is noteworthy that two accessions that had been determined as tetraploid O. officinalis were actually belonging to a species with the CD genome (O. latifolia). Our results promote a better understanding of the genomic constitutions of many accessions in the O. officinalis complex and correct determination of the genebank material, which serves as an important basis of germplasm cataloguing for further research and utilization.
Keywords:Genome designation  Genetic resources  Oryza officinalis complex  PCR-RFLP
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