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引用本文:张斌,黄金水,陈如英. 肉桂突细蛾生物学特性及防治技术[J]. 中国森林病虫, 2000, 19(3): 2-5
作者姓名:张斌  黄金水  陈如英
摘    要:肉桂突细蛾 Gibbovalva quadrifasciata(Stainton)是樟科植物叶部重要害虫 ,在漳州华安 1年发生 8代 ,世代重叠 ,以蛹于 1 2月中、下旬在地表落叶、杂草和树皮缝中越冬。翌年 2月底、3月初成虫羽化、交配、产卵。幼虫孵化后潜入叶表皮取食叶肉组织造成叶枯黄凋落。虫害在林分的上部发生重于中、下部 ,林缘重于林内。用 5 0 %久效磷乳油、5 0 %甲胺磷乳油、40 %氧化乐果乳油常规喷雾均有良好防治效果 ,用做树干注射可明显降低害虫发生率。幼虫期主要天敌有姬小蜂科 2种和扁股小蜂科 1种 ,蛹期有姬小蜂科 2种

关 键 词:肉桂突细蛾  生物学特性  防治技术

ZHANG Bin et al.. Bionomics[J]. Forest Pest and Disease, 2000, 19(3): 2-5
Authors:ZHANG Bin et al.
Abstract:Gibbovalva quadrifasciata (Stainton) is an important leaf pest on Lauraceae.It has 8 generations a year in Hua an of Zhangzhou City and the generations overlap.It overwinters as pupa in the fallen leaves,weeds and tree crevices in the mid and last ten days of December.The adult emerges,mates and lays eggs from the end of February to the beginning of March the next year.The larva eats the mesophyll tissues and makes the leaves yellow and deciduous.Conventional spraying of 50% Monocrotophos,50% Methamidophos or 40% Omethoate emulsion oil can effectively control the pest.
Keywords:Gibbovalva quadrifasciata  bionomics  control
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