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金沙江干热河谷造林树种游离脯氨酸 含量与抗旱性关系
引用本文:表 试验林地土壤、空气水分状况,        %.金沙江干热河谷造林树种游离脯氨酸 含量与抗旱性关系[J].林业科学研究,1999,12(1):10.
作者姓名:表 试验林地土壤、空气水分状况          %
作者单位::李昆 赵虹 中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所,650216,昆明;
摘    要:

Drought Resistace in Relation to Free Proline in the Major Tree Species in Dry and Hot River Valley of Jinsha
Abstract:The accumulation of free proline in some major tree species growing in dry and hot river valley of Jinsha during both dry and rainy seasons has respectively been determined.The result shows that the free proline content in Acacia manguim,Tephrosia candida,A.podalyriifolia,A.auriliformia,A.confusa,A.holosericea and Dodonaea viscosa increased significantly than in any other species in dry season.No observable changes have been found as for the content of free proline in Eucalyptus camaldulensia,E.camaldlensia from Thailand,E.citriodora,E.urophylla,E.robusta,Leucaena leucocephala,Acacia glauca,Zizyphus mauritiana in both seasons.There is not obvious interrelation between the accumulation of free proline and drought resistance in the plants whether among different species,or among the same tree species from different area,or from different ecological forms.It seems that there is certain limitation to utilize the content of free proline as the indices as plant drought resistance.However,using the free proline as indices or parameter to determine the physiological change in some plants under water stress is suggested.
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