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引用本文:李广文. 高寒地区近57年无霜期及其积温变化特征[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(20): 70-74. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18030053
摘    要:为了有效防御和减轻霜冻灾害对高寒贵南地区农牧业生产的影响,为合理开展农牧业气候区划提供可靠依据。利用青海省高寒地区贵南县气象局观测的1961—2017年逐日最低气温、平均气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、M-K突变分析等方法,对高寒地区贵南县霜冻初日、终日、无霜期及同时期积温变化特征进行分析。结果表明:近57年高寒地区贵南县≤0 ℃霜冻的终日呈极显著的提前趋势,初日呈显著的后延趋势,终日提前的幅度大于初日后延的幅度;无霜期呈现极显著延长趋势,无霜期积温呈现极显著的升高趋势。霜冻终日在1972年发生了提前突变,霜冻初日和无霜期在1970年发生了延迟突变,无霜期积温在1977年发生了升高突变。

关 键 词:吹填土  吹填土  吹填年限  障碍特征  植被  土壤质地  盐分  养分  

Frost-free Periods in High-cold Region During 1961-2017: Variation Characteristics and the Accumulated Temperature
Abstract:The paper aims to effectively prevent and migigate the impact of frost disaster on agricultural production in high-cold region of Qinghai province,and provide a reliable basis for reasonable development of agricultural climate regionalization. Based on the daily average air temperature data and the daily minimum temperature of Guinan county meteorological staion from 1961 to 2017,by using linear tendency estimation and M-K mutation analysis,several elements were analyzed,including the first frost date,the last frost date,the frost-period,and accumulated temperature of the frost-free period.The results showed that the First frost date assumes a significantly delayed trend,and last frost date assumes a significantly early trend. The Frost-free period assumes a significantly long trend,and the advanced magnitude of last frost date is treater than the delayed magnitude of first frost date.The frost-period was an insignificant tendency to delay; the accumulated temperature of the frost-free period was a significantly added trend.The first frost date had a advanced climate abrupt in 1972,the last frost date and the frost-period had a delay climate abrupt in 1970,the accumulated temperature of the frost-free period had a increased climate abrupt in 1977.
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