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引用本文:史桂清,石书亚,赵颖佳,肖凯. 氮磷钾施用方式对夏玉米植株和土壤养分及产量的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(13): 23-30. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18010074
作者姓名:史桂清  石书亚  赵颖佳  肖凯
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“太行山山前平原小麦-玉米节水高产增效栽培技术集成与示范”(2018YFD0300503);河北省科技计划项目“河北平原小 麦-玉米轮作区高效施肥技术集成与示范”(162276433G)。
摘    要:采用大田试验,研究等氮水平下不同肥料、分配方式及与磷、钾配施对夏玉米植株氮磷钾和土壤速效氮磷钾含量及产量的影响。结果表明:在常规施氮(底施和大口追施)、常规优化施氮(底施和大口、吐丝2 次追施)和控释氮素配施2 种磷钾水平用量(P2O5 105-K2O 120 kg/hm2和P2O5 157.5-K2O 180 kg/hm2)组合中,各处理大口期前植株干质量、氮磷钾含量、氮磷钾累积量以常规施氮高于控释尿素;成熟期穗粒数、千粒重和产量以控释尿素处理高于常规优化施氮处理,后者又高于常规施氮处理。等氮处理下,增施磷钾提高了植株磷、钾含量和累积量,植株含氮和氮累积量明显增加。各处理土壤速效氮、磷含量随生育进程不断降低,速效钾含量表现为“V”字型特征;土壤速效养分与植株养分含量表现趋势相反,生育后期控释尿素低于常规优化施氮,后者又低于常规处理。增施磷钾明显提高各时期土壤速效磷、钾含量,但使土壤氮含量降低。与对照相比,各处理单位氮、磷、钾生产籽粒能力降低;各处理中,单位养分生产籽粒以常规施氮高于常规优化施氮,后者又高于控释尿素。肥料养分利用率以控释尿素处理最高,其次为常规优化施氮,常规施氮最低。表明与常规施氮相比,控释尿素结合磷钾底施,能协调生育期间养分供应,改善植株中后期氮磷钾吸收、积累和物质生产,是改善养分利用效率、穗部性状和产量的优化施肥技术。

关 键 词:小反刍兽疫病毒  小反刍兽疫病毒  N蛋白  原核表达  间接酶联免疫吸附试验  

NPK Application Modes Affect Plants and Yield of Summer Maize and Soil Nutrients
Abstract:The effect of application mode of N, P and K fertilizers on nutrient content of plants and soils as well as yield of summer maize are investigated under field growth condition. Among three N treatments, including regular N application (basal plus topdressing at ear formation), improved regular N application (basal plus topdressing at ear formation and silking) and controlled N application together with two levels of P and K (i.e., P2O5 105-K2O 120 kg/hm2 and P2O5 157.5-K2O 180 kg/hm2), the biomass, contents and accumulative amounts of N, P and K of plants were higher in regular N application treatment than that of controlled urea application treatment before ear formation. At maturity, spike numbers, 1000 grain weights and yields of controlled urea treatment were higher than that of improved regular N treatment, and then was regular N treatment. Under the same N treatments, the increasing application of P and K fertilizer increased the contents and accumulative amounts of P and K as well as N contents and N accumulative amounts. Soil available contents of N and P decreased along with the growth, soil available K contents exhibited a“V”pattern; soil available nutrient contents and plant nutrient contents displayed converse patterns, and the contents of controlled urea treatment was lower than that of improved regular N treatment in the late growth stage, and then was that of regular N treatment. Compared with CK, grain production capacities of NPK reduced in all treatments, and the grain production capacities of unit nutrient was the highest in regular N treatments, followed by that of improved regular N treatments and controlled urea treatments. The nutrient use efficiency was the highest in controlled urea treatment, followed by that of improved regular N treatment and regular N treatment. These results indicate that controlled urea application before planting together with P and K could coordinate the nutrient supply during growth period, improve the absorption, accumulation and matter production in the middle and late periods, which could be used as an effective fertilizer application mode in enhancing nutrient use efficiency, spike traits and yield formation capacity.
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