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Relationships between site and stock quality in Pinus halepensis Mill. reforestation on semiarid landscapes in eastern Spain
Authors:Antonio D. del Campo  Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo  Javier Hermoso  Antonio J. Ibáñez
Affiliation:1. E.T.S.I. Agrónomos, Dep. de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Camí de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
2. Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal, ETSIAM, Universidad de Córdoba, Avda. Menéndez Pidal s/n, 14080, Córdoba, Spain
3. Conselleria de Territori y Habitatge, Generalit?t Valenciana, c/ Gregorio Gea 27, Valencia, Spain
Abstract:The influence of site and stock quality factors in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) plantation establishment has been studied. Five stocklots with a contrasting seedling quality were planted on six different sites showing different ecologic conditions in a same regional context. This reciprocal study indicated that site factors (climate, meteorology and soil) explained most of the variability found over stock quality factors (material and performance attributes) in the overall performance results (F values for final survival were 64.2 and 14.1 for site and stocklot, respectively). There were significant interactions between both factors in survival (F = 2.03 for final survival) and first growth, indicating that the seedling quality attributes associated with a better performance depended on site conditions, with physiological attributes being more dependent on the site than morphological attributes. The lower the site quality (poor performance), the higher the importance of stock quality, especially that related with seedling size and macronutrient content, which showed positive correlations (p < 0.05) with survival, yielding differences of over 30% between stocklots. In general, a milder climate and a shallow site meant a higher mortality. The meteorology during the two years after planting confirmed this trend as survival was preferably correlated with temperature variables instead of with precipitation. In the first year, climate factors affected seedling performance more than the soil texture, whereas, in the second, growth was correlated (p < 0.01) with clay and silt percentages, confirming a predominant effect of site over time. Soil depth is discussed as a basic variable possessing a determinant influence on the overall results.
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