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Sap flow characteristics of three afforestation species during the wet and dry seasons in a dry-hot valley in Southwest China
Authors:Xiaofei Wang  Jianfeng Liu  Yongyu Sun  Kun Li  Chunhua Zhang
Affiliation:1.Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Kunming,People’s Republic of China;2.Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation of State Forestry Administration, Research Institute of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing,People’s Republic of China
Abstract:Assessing and using tree species (exotic or native) with superior tolerance to environmental stresses (such as drought and high temperature) play an important role in afforestation practices. In the present study, stem sap flow characteristics and responses to ambient meteorological factors of three tree species, Albizzia kalkora (native), Azadirachta indica (exotic), and Acacia auriculaeformis (exotic), in a dry-hot valley (Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, China) were investigated using thermal dissipation probes. The diurnal dynamics of sap flow in three studied species displayed an obvious circadian rhythm during the wet and dry seasons, with the exception of A. indica during the dry season. The sap flow velocity (SFV) in A. kalkora and A. auriculaeformis was significantly positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and wind speed, but negatively correlated with atmospheric relative humidity over the two seasons. The cross-correlation analysis also revealed that the SFV of the three species was significantly correlated with PAR and VPD (P < 0.001). Additionally, stem sap flow lagged behind PAR but ahead of VPD, and the diurnal sap flow was more dependent on PAR than on VPD. However, we found that the dominant climatic factor influencing the stem sap flow differed between daytime and nighttime. PAR was more influential than other meteorological factors during the daytime, while VPD or other factors were more influential overnight. When the nighttime refilling ability of the three tree species was compared, our results suggest that A. indica has higher drought resistance and better for afforestation of the studied region.
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