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Authors:Luke  Muhumuza  B vet med  Joe P  Morgan  DVM  Vet med dr  Takayoshi  Miyabayashi  DVM  MS  Matthew A O  Atilola  DVM  MS
Institution:Department of Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis and the Laboratory for Energy-related Health Research.
Abstract:Normal colony Beagle dogs were used to evaluate the effect of concentration, volume, and limb positioning on positive-contrast arthrography in the humeral joint. An 8.4% w/v (33.3 mg/ml ± volume) concentration of analytic grade metrizamide (33 mg/ml of iodine) was thought to provide arthrograms of the highest diagnostic quality. Optimal volume of contrast medium was 2–4 ml in dogs with weight of 7.0–15.6 kg (mean, 10.3 kg). Radiographs thought to be of greatest diagnostic value were those made with the dog in lateral recumbency and the limb positioned for neutral, traction, flexion, supination, and pronation views, plus a caudocranial radiograph made with the dog in dorsal recumbency and the limb in traction.
Keywords:arthrography  humeral joint  dog  positive-contrast
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