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引用本文:李晶,姜远茂,魏绍冲,葛顺峰,李洪娜,门永阁,周乐. 不同施氮水平苹果矮化中间砧幼树光合产物的周年分配利用[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 21(3): 800-806. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0328
作者姓名:李晶  姜远茂  魏绍冲  葛顺峰  李洪娜  门永阁  周乐
作者单位:1.山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院/作物生物学国家重点实验室,山东泰安 271018
摘    要:【目的】光合产物在树体内的利用、分配状况直接影响着果树的产量形成,是果树优质、丰产、稳产的重要因素。氮肥的不合理施用易导致树体C/N失衡,造成树体旺长或早衰,直接影响果树的产量、品质形成。因此,研究矮化中间砧苹果在不同氮水平下的光合产物利用、分配特性,为合理协调光合产物在树体内的利用、分配以保证果树稳健生长又及时成花结果打下理论基础。【方法】以生产上最常用的2年生烟富3/M26/平邑甜茶幼树为试材进行盆栽试验。设置不施氮肥(N0)、适宜施氮肥(N100)和过量施氮肥(N200)3个氮素水平,分别于春梢生长期、春梢停长期、秋梢生长期进行13C标记,标记72 h后取样,整株解析为叶、一年生枝条、主干、中间砧、根系,测定了其13C丰度,玉米素核苷(ZR),脱落酸(ABA),可溶性淀粉含量,并测定了叶面积和叶绿素含量。【结果】与N0相比,不同物候期适宜施氮肥(N100)和过量施氮肥(N200)处理均显著促进树体生物量的增加,提高叶片面积和叶绿素含量,N100处理对树体生长的促进作用随着氮肥施入时间的延长逐渐显现。春梢生长期和春梢停长期,N100处理细根生长量最高,其次是N200处理,N0处理最低;至秋梢生长期,N0处理细根生物量迅速升高至最高且显著高于N200处理。N0处理在不同生长期叶片淀粉含量均显著高于N100和N200处理。氮肥施入初期,叶片ZR含量为N200N100N0,施肥30天后,N100处理叶片仍保持较高的ZR含量,但N200处理ZR含量显著下降。氮肥施入初期各处理ABA含量无显著差异,随着生育期延长差异性逐渐显著,施肥后30天,N0处理的叶片ABA含量达到最高并保持较高水平至生长后期。不同施氮处理树体根冠比和光合产物分配规律在不同生长期差异显著。氮肥施入至春梢生长期,N100和N200处理根系13C分配率分别是N0处理的285.35%和217.98%,而N0处理树体会将更多的光合产物用于地上部生长;至春梢停长期N100和N200处理仍保持较高根冠比和根系13C分配率;至秋梢生长期,N0处理根系光合产物分配率升高,而N100和N200处理根系13C分配率分别降低至N0处理根系13C分配率的71.98%和41.26%,表明生长后期N0处理生长中心逐渐向根系转移。【结论】施氮水平对苹果矮化中间砧幼树生长及光合产物利用方式和分配规律的显著影响与玉米素核苷和脱落酸的合成变化密切相关。施氮通过促进ZR大量合成显著促使光合产物向根系大量分配,周年尺度上表现为树体根冠比和根系生物量显著升高,树体地上部快速生长。整个生长期内低氮条件下树体光合产物转化为淀粉在叶片中大量贮存是由ABA的合成差异所造成。

关 键 词:矮化苹果砧木   氮肥水平   光合产物   利用分配

Annual utilization and allocation of urea-13C by M. hupehensis Rehd. under different N rates
LI Jing,JIANG Yuan-mao,WEI Shao-chong,GE Shun-feng,LI Hong-na,MEN Yong-ge,ZHOU Le. Annual utilization and allocation of urea-13C by M. hupehensis Rehd. under different N rates[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2015, 21(3): 800-806. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0328
Authors:LI Jing  JIANG Yuan-mao  WEI Shao-chong  GE Shun-feng  LI Hong-na  MEN Yong-ge  ZHOU Le
Affiliation:1.State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology,College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an,Shandong 271018,China
Abstract:【Objective】 Unreasonable use of nitrogen often causes imbalance of C/N, excessive vegetative growth, premature senescence of apple trees and decreases the yield and fruit quality as a result. Utilization and allocation characteristics of photosynthates under different nitrogen application levels should be studied to ensure steady growth and fruiting of apple trees. 【Methods】 A pot experiment was conducted with two-year-old M. hupehensis Rehd.(Yan Fu3/M26) seedlings as test materials. Urea was labeled with 13C andapplied in three levels of N 0, 100 and 200 kg/hm2. The plants were sampled after 72 h of 13C labeling and then divided into roots, branches, interstocks, new shoots and leaves, then dried, grinded and weighed. The abundance of 13C, the ZR(trans-Zeatin-riboside) and ABA(abscisic acid) contents, the soluble starch, leaf area and chlorophyll contents were determined. 【Results】 Compared in the N0 treatment, both the rational application rate of nitrogen fertilizer(N100) and overuse rate(N200) promote the tree biomass, the area and chlorophyll contents of leaves, the promoting effect of N100 is gradually appeared with the growth stages. At the spring shoot growing stage(SSG) and spring shoot stop growing stage(SSS), the number of fine root in N100 treatment is the highest, followed by N200 and N0 treatments successively; at the autumn shoot growing stage(ASG), the fine roots of the N0 treatment are increased significantly to the highest. The leaf starch content of the N0 treatment is higher than those of the N100 and N200 treatments at all the growing stages. At the early stage of nitrogen application, the ZR contents of leaves are in order of N200>N100>N0, gradually, the ZR content of the N200 treatment is decreased significantly. In comparison, no significant differences are found on the ABA contents among the treatments at the early fertilization stage, and the ABA content of the N0 treatment is increased and maintains at high level until the late growing stage. Significant differences can be seen in the root to shoot ratio and photosynthate partition among different nitrogen treatments at different growing stages. The root 13C partitions in the N100 and N200 treatments are significantly increased to 285.35% and 217.98%(compared with the N0 treatment) at the spring shoot growing stage, more is distributed to the aboveground in the N0 treatment. At the stage of autumn shoot growing, the distribution of photosynthate to roots in the N0 treatment is improved, while those in the N100 and N200 treatments are decreased to 71.98% and 41.26% of the N0 treatment. 【Conclusions】 The impact on the growth and the photosynthate partition under different nitrogen levels is closely related to the synthesis of ZR and ABA. The nitrogen application significantly improves the partition of photosynthate in roots by large amount syntheses of ZR, and the root to shoot ratio and root biomass are significantly increased at the long time scales. More photosynthates convert into starch under the no nitrogen treatment during the growing stage is caused by ABA synthetic differences.
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