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引用本文:蔡艳,郝明德. 轮作模式与周期对黄土高原旱地小麦产量、养分吸收和土壤肥力的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 21(4): 864-872. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2015.0405
作者姓名:蔡艳  郝明德
作者单位:1.四川农业大学资源环境学院,四川成都 611130;
摘    要:【目的】粮草轮作、粮豆轮作是黄土高原旱地区常见种植制度,本文利用长期定位试验探索该地区轮作制度和茬口年限对小麦产量、养分吸收和土壤肥力的影响,以期优化旱地作物种植制度。【方法】长期定位试验始于1984年,试验设8个处理:对照(小麦连作,CK),粮草长周期轮作(3组种植方式:2茬小麦→4茬苜蓿→1茬马铃薯→小麦,WAT1;小麦→4茬苜蓿→1茬马铃薯→2茬小麦,WAT2;4茬苜蓿→马铃薯→3茬小麦,WAT3),粮草短周期轮作(2组种植方式:小麦+红豆草→红豆草→小麦,WST1;红豆草→小麦→小麦+红豆草,WST2),粮豆轮作(2组种植方式:小麦+糜子→豌豆→小麦,WPT1;豌豆→小麦→小麦+糜子,WPT2)。小区面积66.69 m2,每个处理重复3次,随机区组排列。小麦收获后采集植物及土壤样品,测定小麦产量、籽粒和秸秆养分含量、土壤肥力性质。【结果】与小麦连作相比,轮作小麦籽粒增产1.47%~29.66%,秸秆增产2.17%~29.77%,粮草轮作增产效果更显著,轮作优势在豆科牧草后第二年最高,第三年减弱。粮草长周期轮作有利于小麦对N、K、Fe、Cu、Zn的吸收,吸收量在苜蓿茬后第三年第二年第一年;粮草短周期轮作可提高小麦对N、K、Fe的吸收量,红豆草茬后第1年吸收量稍高于后第二年;粮豆轮作有利于小麦吸收N、K、Fe、Mn,豌豆茬后第二年吸收量大于第一年。轮作制度和茬口年限对小麦微量元素养分收获指数的影响程度大于大量元素,粮豆轮作有利于N、P、Cu向籽粒转移,3种轮作制度下小麦K收获指数均低于连作小麦,粮草轮作中小麦Fe收获指数低于连作小麦。轮作后,土壤全氮增加11.54%~20.51%,碱解氮提高9.66%~21.56%;粮草短周期轮作对土壤有机质、氮素和速效钾的提升作用突出,但有效磷亏缺23.97%;粮豆轮作对土壤磷素累积和有效化作用明显,其有效磷比小麦连作增加45.52%。【结论】黄土高原旱地区增加小麦产量、改善籽粒矿质营养,实现土壤培肥的较优轮作模式为红豆草(2~4年)→小麦(2年),以4~6年为一个轮作周期,同时注意增施磷肥。

关 键 词:轮作   黄土高原   小麦   养分吸收   矿质营养   土壤肥力

Effects of rotation model and period on wheat yield,nutrient uptake and soil fertility in the Loess Plateau
Affiliation:1.College of Resources and Environment,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130,China; 
Abstract:【Objectives】Rotations of wheat-alfalfa, wheat-sainfoin and wheat-pea are common cropping systems in the Loess Plateau, northwest China. In this paper, the impacts of different cropping systems on the wheat yields, nutrient uptake and soil fertility were studied using a long-term experiment, in order to compare and recommend the optimum cropping system in this area.【Methods】 The long-term experiment was established in 1984. Eight treatments with triplicates were designed: continuous cropping of wheat(CK), three long-period rotations of wheat-alfalfa treatments: wheat→wheat→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→ alfalfa→potato→wheat (WAT1), wheat→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→potato→wheat→wheat (WAT2), and alfalfa→ alfalfa→alfalfa→alfalfa→potato→wheat→wheat→wheat (WAT3); two short-period rotations of wheat-sainfoin: wheat and sainfoin→sainfoin→wheat (WST1), sainfoin→wheat→wheat and sainfoin (WST2); two wheat-pea rotations: wheat and millet →pea→wheat (WPT1), pea→wheat→wheat and millet (WPT2). Plant and soil samples were collected after wheat harvest in June, 2004. Wheat yields, grain and straw nutrient contents and soil fertility were determined. 【Results】 The wheat grain yields in the rotation were 1.47% to 29.66% higher than the control, and the straw biomass were 2.17% to 29.77% higher. The increases were more obvious in wheat-alfalfa rotation and wheat-sainfoin rotation systems. The second year wheat cropping yields after alfalfa or sainfoin were higher than those in the first year, the rotation advantage became weaken in the third year. The long-period rotation of wheat-alfalfa favored absorption of N, K, Fe, Cu and Zn in wheat, and the order was WAT3 WAT2 WAT1. The short-period rotation of wheat-sainfoin favored absorption of N, K and Fe in wheat, and WST1 was slightly higher than WST2. The wheat-pea rotation favored absorption of N, K, Fe and Mn in wheat, and WPT2 WPT1. The rotation model and year after rotated crops affected more on the harvest indexes of microelements than on those of macro-nutrients. The wheat-pea rotation was conducive to the transfer of N, P and Cu to wheat grain. The wheat K harvest indexes of the three rotation systems were lower than those of the continuous cropping of wheat, and the Fe harvest indexes of the wheat-alfalfa rotation and wheat-sainfoin rotation were lower than those of the continuous cropping of wheat. Through rotation, soil total N was increased by 11.54%-20.51%, alkali-hydrolysable N increased by 9.66%-21.56%. The wheat-sainfoin rotation had obvious positive effect on soil organic matter, total N and available K, but negative on soil available P (decreased by 23.97%). The wheat-pea rotation showed obvious positive effect on soil P accumulation with a increase of 45.52% compared to control.【Conclusions】 The rotation mode of 2 to 4 years successive sainfoin→two years continuing wheat is proven to be the optimum rotation mode in the Loess Plateau, in case of attention be paid on increasing phosphate fertilizer application.
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