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作者姓名:王彦荣  孙建华  余玲  卫东  陈江辉
摘    要:1993和1994年,对我国西北、西南7省(区)主要生产、经销的11种110个种批的牧草和草坪草种子进行了现场扦样、质量检验和质量定级,并对影响种子质量的因素进行了调查与分析。结果表明:被检种的平均合格率为71.4%,其一、二、三级及不合格种子分别占36.0%、12.7%、22.7%和28.6%。种批的质量以进口坪用草地早熟禾、多年生黑麦草和国产苇状羊茅(坪用)和老芒麦质量最好,种批平均质量均达一级;其次为国产多年生黑麦草(坪用)和毛苕子,虽然各含三级和/或二级种子,但合格率为100%。其它被检种质量较低,尤其是紫花苜蓿(1993年检)、沙打旺(1994年检)、苏丹草和红豆草,不合格种批率分别为60%、70%、80%和100%。种子质量低的主要表现为多数种杂质含量高和杂草种子严重超标,部分种发芽率低以及个别种水分含量过高。影响种子质量的主要因素为(1)种子生产不规范,技术落后;(2)生产和经营者缺乏必备的种子收获、清选机具以及种子收后质量管理知识;(3)种子经营混乱,信息不畅,产销脱节等。就如何尽快提高我国牧草种子质量以及加强种子质量管理等问题提出了建议。

关 键 词:牧草种子,草坪草种子,种子检验,种子质量管理

Wang Yanrong,Sun Jianhua, Yu Ling ,Wei Dong and Chen Jianghui.QUALITY OF HERBAGE SEED PRODUCED AND MARKETED IN WESTERN CHINA[J].Pratacultural Science,1995,12(1):60-65.
Authors:Wang Yanrong  Sun Jianhua  Yu Ling  Wei Dong and Chen Jianghui
Abstract:The quality of 110 lots of 11 species of the main herbage and turfgrass seeds produced and/or market-ed in the western region of China were sampled tested and graded in 1993 and 1994;the factors affectingquality were also investigated.The results showed that only 71.4% of total tested lots reached the minim-um requirement of the National standard of China. The lots of grade 1,2,3 and off grade were 36.0%,12.7%,22.7%and 28.6%respectively,The best quality were imported turfgrassi.e,Poa pratense, Lolium prenne and Festuca arundinecea, and local produced Festuca arundinecea(for turf)and Elymus sibiricus. All ofthese lots reached the quality standard of grade 1;which were followed by local produced Lolium prenne (forturf)and Vicia villosa. All lots of these 2 species reached the minimum requirement of the standard althoughthere were some lots in grade 3 and/or grade 2.The quality of remained lots tested included Avena sativa andLolium multiflorum were relatively low,particularly the lots of Medicago sativa(tested in 1993),Astragalus adsurgens(tested in 1994),Sorghum sudanense and Onobrichys viciifolia. The percentages of off grade lots ofthese 4 species accounted for 60%,70%,80%and 100% respectively. The poor seed quality were mainlyindicated as low purity,extremely high in other seed numbers,low germination percentage and high moisturecontent.The factors affecting quality were:(1)the seed production did not follow the technical regulationsand the producers did not have the necessary equipments for harvesting and clcaning;(2)the producers lack-ed the knowledge in quality management for post harvest seed;and(3) the seed market in China was notproperly developed.Technical system for improving seed quality and strengthening the quality controlschelne in China were proposed.
Keywords:herbage seed  turfgrass seed  seed testing  seed quality control
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