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引用本文:项珍龙,陈海,李晨,殷旭旺,徐宗学,张远. 河流硅藻指数在太子河水生态健康评价中的应用研究[J]. 大连海洋大学学报, 2016, 0(4): 416-425. DOI: 10.16535/j.cnki.dlhyxb.2016.04.012
作者姓名:项珍龙  陈海  李晨  殷旭旺  徐宗学  张远
作者单位:1. 大连海洋大学 水产与生命学院,辽宁省水生生物学重点实验室,辽宁 大连116023;2. 北京师范大学 水科学研究院,北京,100875;3. 中国环境科学研究院 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,北京,100012
摘    要:为了用硅藻指数评价太子河的水生态健康状况,于2012年5月对太子河河岸不同土地利用方式(森林用地、森林耕作用地、耕地和城镇建设用地)下的38个采样点位进行了调查研究,并应用6项硅藻指数(硅藻生物指数IBD、硅藻属指数IDG、特定污染敏感指数IPS、欧盟硅藻指数CEE、硅藻营养化指数TDI和戴斯指数DESCY)对太子河的水生态环境进行健康评估。结果表明:MRPP结果显示,太子河流域4种土地利用类型具有显著的空间异质性(P0.05);太子河流域香农多样性指数、均匀度指数和物种丰富度的平均值分别为2.96、0.72和18,物种密度为7.83×106cells/cm2;根据相关分析显示,硅藻指数之间、硅藻指数与水环境因子之间具有显著的相关性(P0.05);根据K-S检验,6项硅藻指数均符合正态分布;根据线性回归方程分析,D-IBI与IBD、IPS、IDG、CEE、TDI、DESCY均呈显著的线性回归关系(P0.05),表明6项硅藻指数在太子河流域具有较好的适用性;用硅藻指数评价太子河流域的结果显示,太子河上游地区水生态健康状况较好,中游地区水生态健康状况一般,下游地区水生态健康状况较差。

关 键 词:硅藻指数  硅藻完整性指数  土地利用方式  水环境因子

Application of diatom index in assessment of aquatic ecosystem health in Taizi River,China
Abstract:Diatom index as a rapid assessment indicator of ecological health condition in a river plays an important role in the research and protection of the water ecological health in a river. The water ecology environment was in-vestigated in 38 sampling sites in Taizi River with six land use types including forest land, farmland, combination of forest land and farmland and urban land by six diatom indices including Biological Diatom Index ( IBD) , Generic Diatom Index ( IDG ) , Specific Polluosensitivity Index ( IPS ) , European Economic Community Index ( CEE ) , Trophic Diatom Index(TDI),and Descy Index (DESCY) on May in 2012. The multi response permutation process ( MRPP) analysis revealed that there was significant spatial heterogeneity in four land utilization types in Taizi River basin, with Shannon diversity index of 2. 96, evenness index of 0. 72, species density of 7. 83í106 cells/cm2 and the mean species richness of 18 . The correlation analysis showed that there was significant relationship between dia-tom indices, and between the diatom index and water environmental factors(P<0. 05). The K-S test showed that all six diatom indices were confirmed to normal distribution. The linear regression equation analysis indicated that the relationship between diatom integrity index ( D-IBI) and IBD, IPS, IDG, CEE, TDI, and DESCY was ex-pressed as a significant linear regression relationship(P<0. 05), indicating that all six diatom indices had good ap-plicability in assessment of aquatic ecosystem health in Taizi River, the worst in downstream, better in the mid-stream, and the best in the upstream.
Keywords:diatom index  diatom integrity index(D-IBI)  land use type  water environmental factor
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