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引用本文:赵修复. 姬蜂二新种描述(膜翅目:姬蜂科)[J]. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 1980, 0(2)
摘    要:<正> 1.梅峰佩姬蜂Perjiva meifensis Chao新种雌。黑色。触角鞭节5—10节背方、前胸背板颈部、翅基片、翅基下脊、小盾片、腹(?)第2节背板端横带、第7节整节背板或除基端黑色外和第8节背板端缘白色;上颚除黑齿外、中胸侧板后下方、后小盾片、后胸背缘、后翅基部、后胸侧板、并胸腹节、腹部第1节背板和三对足的大部分赤至赤褐色,第1节在气门处烟黑色;前足基节、中足基节背方、后

Abstract:Perjiva meifensis Chao, sp. nov. Fore wing 6-9.5mm. This species is similar to P. namkumenes Jonathan and Gupta, particularly in that the first abdominal tergite is red,without a yellow apical band, and that the fore wing is marked with fuscous in the middle. However, it is different from the latter in that the mesopleurum is mostly black, mesoscutum and abdominal tergites coarsely and densely puncture instead of subpolished, and the propodeal spiracle is oval instead of round. Holotype: ♀, Fuzhou, Meifeng, 1965.xii. paratype: ♀, Shaxian,Yangfang, 1973.xi.11. Both collected in Fujian province by the author. Type Catalogue No. 005, Fujian Biological Institute.Xanthopimpla zhejiangensis Chao, sp. nov. Fore wing 7-8 mm. The present new species runs to couplet 5 in the key to the species of the Incompleta Group (Townes and Chiu,1970 Mem. Amer. Ent. Inst.n No. 14n p.266). The color markings on mesoscutum and abdominal tergites 1-2 show its similarity with incempleta Krieger. On the other hand, it is similar to naenia Morley in that the punctures are small and moderately dense and that the propodeum is marked with 2 large black spots. However, it can be distinguished from the other 2 species in that the areola of propodeum is fused with second lateral area instead of completely separated, and that the abdominal tergite 6 is marked with 2 small black spots instead of unmarked. Holotype: 1♀, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, 1957. ⅸ. 12-16, reared by Chen Bingzhang from a long and narrow white case of Psychidae. Allotype: 1♂, same data as holotype. Paratypes: 9♀♀, 7♂♂, collected in Linhai and Hangzhou of Zhejiang province by Zhu Rujuo, He Junhua and Hu Cui. Holotype, allotype and most paratypes were deposited in the Department of Plant Protection of Zhejiang Agricultural University, and a pair of paratypes deposited in Fujian Biological Institute, type catalogue no. 006.
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