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引用本文:单华平( 冯 骏( 翟丕斌( 侯义梅( 陈东升( 朱红军(. 鄂西山区日本落叶松树高曲线的研究[J]. 湖北林业科技, 2023, 4(4): 1-4
作者姓名:单华平( 冯 骏( 翟丕斌( 侯义梅( 陈东升( 朱红军(
作者单位:1. 建始县森林病虫害防治检疫站 恩施 445300;2. 建始县国有长岭岗林场 恩施 445304;3. 建始县林业科学研究所 恩施 445300;4. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 北京 100091;5. 保康县马桥镇林业工作站 襄阳 441614
摘    要:树高曲线是林分生长与收获模型的重要组成部分,是森林经营管理中需要参考的重要统计模型 。本研究以湖北 省恩施土家族苗族自治州(以下简称恩施州)建始县国有长岭岗林场的 日本落叶松人工林为研究对象, 以 8个应用广泛的 树高曲线方程作为备选模型,以不同林龄、不同立地条件、不同密度的固定样地每木检尺数据为基础,基于拟合优度指标选 取最优基础模型,构建鄂西山区 日本落叶松人工林的单木树高曲线模型 。结果表明,8个基础模型的拟合优度均在 0. 85以 上,其中 M3、M5模型拟合效果最优且较为接近(R2 = 0. 915),但 M3模型对大径级树高预测偏差明显,故选取 M5模型为 鄂西山区 日本落叶松人工林单木树高曲线模型,为其生长量调查及经营管理提供参考。

关 键 词:鄂西山区    日本落叶松  树高曲线

study on Height curve of Larix kaempferi in western Hubei Mountainous Area
shan Huaping( Feng Jun( zhai pibin( Hou yimei( chen Dongsheng( zhu Hongjun(. study on Height curve of Larix kaempferi in western Hubei Mountainous Area[J]. Hubei Forestry Science and Technology, 2023, 4(4): 1-4
Authors:shan Huaping( Feng Jun( zhai pibin( Hou yimei( chen Dongsheng( zhu Hongjun(
Affiliation:1. Jianshi Forest pest control and Quarantine station Enshi 445300;2. Jianshi National changlinggang Forest Farm Enshi 445300;3. Jianshi Forestry Research Institute Enshi 445300;4. Forestry Research Institute oFchinese Academy oFForestry Beijing 100091;5. Maqiao Forestry worKstation oFBaoKang county xiangyang 441614
Abstract:Tree height curve is an important part oFstand growth and harvest model and an important statistical model to be reFerred to Forest management. In this study, the Larix kaempferi plantation in changlinggang Forest Farm oFJianshi county oFHubei province were taKen as the research objects . Eight widely used tree height curve equations were used as alternative models , based on the measurement data oFeach tree in Fixed plots with diFFerent stand ages , site conditions and densities . Based on the goodness oFFit index, the optimum basic models were selected to construct the individual tree height curve model oFL. kaempferi plantation in western Hubei mountainous area . The research results indicated that, the goodness oFFit oFthe eight basic models were all above 0. 85, oFwhich M3and M5models had the best Fitting eFFect and were close to each other (R2 =0. 915) , but M3 model has obvious deviation in predicting the height oFlarge diameter trees , so M5model was selected as the single tree height curve model oFL. kaempferi plantation in the mountain area oF western Hubei, providing reFerence For its growth survey and management.
Keywords:western Hubei mountainous area  Larix kaempferi    tree height curve
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