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Tillage systems and soil compaction in Africa
Authors:B. Kayombo  R. Lal

a Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning, Sokoine University of Agriculture, PO Box 3003, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania

b Department of Agronomy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA

Abstract:Introduction of mechanized agriculture induces profound changes in soil characteristics. Soil compaction originating from mechanical land clearing, mechanized cultivation, and continuous cropping is aggravated by crusting and hard-setting phenomena of soils, and widespread occurrence of naturally compacted upland soils and subsoil gravel horizons. Natural and anthropogenically induced soil compaction has detrimental effects on growth and yields of a wide range of crops. Furthermore, compaction can persist for a long time if no adequate measures are taken to minimize or alleviate it.

In humid and subhumid regions of Africa, the no-tillage system with crop residue mulch is an important method of controlling soil compaction, followed in significance, by biological and mechanical loosening where motorized land clearing is the causative agent. Biological methods involve cover crops and alley cropping or agroforestry. Where new land areas need to be opened up, land clearing should be done by the slash-and-burn method, so that most of the nutrients in the vegetation are returned to the soil. Where mechanical land clearing is inevitable, forest removal should be done by the use of shear blade, whereby most of the roots and stumps are left in the ground intact, and the forest litter is not removed.

In semi-arid and arid regions of Africa, alleviation of soil compaction can be done by two methods. One method is to use the controlled traffic tillage system. Controlled traffic results in both a loose-rooting zone and a firmed traffic lane, thereby providing good plant growth and trafficability for timely field operations. The second method is to use mechanical loosening techniques, i.e. ploughing by animal traction or tractor power, chiseling, deep ripping, subsoiling, and tied-ride system. The effect of mechanical loosening, however, tends to be of short duration if the ensuing field traffic is not controlled.

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