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Testicular dynamics in Syrian hamsters exposed to both short photoperiod and low ambient temperature
Authors:Sato T  Tachiwana T  Takata K  Tay T W  Ishii M  Nakamura R  Kimura S  Kanai Y  Kurohmaru M  Hayashi Y
Affiliation:Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan.
Abstract:The object of this study was to determine the details of morphological dynamics of spermatogenesis in Syrian hamsters exposed to both short photoperiod and low ambient temperature. Eight-week-old male hamsters, kept in a long photoperiod (14 h L, 10 h D), were transferred to a short photoperiod (6 h L, 18 h D) and kept there for 13 weeks to induce testicular regression. Some hamsters were then transferred from the room at 23 degrees C to that at 5 degrees C (5 degrees C group). Remaining hamsters were continuously kept at 23 degrees C (23 degrees C group). Thereafter, the morphology was examined. As a result, it took only 8 weeks until spermatogenesis recovered in the 23 degrees C group. However, it was not until 20 weeks that spermatogenesis was recognized in the 5 degrees C group. As the regulation of seasonal testicular activity is characterized by coordinated shifts in the relationships among mitosis, meiosis, and apoptosis, the changes in the proliferative and apoptotic activities were examined. Although no significant difference in proliferative activity of spermatogonia between the 5 degrees C and the 23 degrees C groups was confirmed, a notable increase in the rate of apoptosis was observed in the 5 degrees C group. Furthermore, this increase was more salient during the hibernation period. These findings suggest that both cold ambient temperature and hibernation caused the delay of testicular recrudescence and this delay arose from the increase of apoptotic activity but not the change in proliferative activity in spermatogonia in the 5 degrees C group.
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